Conan Exiles - Potion Recipes Guide - Magic Game World

Conan Exiles – Potion Recipes Guide

Conan Exiles - Potion Recipes Guide

Potion Recipes


2BD95CBA 6DA3 453F AF10 39E2C50982E4

Item ID: 53502

Regenerating: Restores 30% of total Health over 10 seconds.

Weight: 1.25

Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, creating a character with Mitra as Religion.

Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, Level 1, Cost:50

Recipe: Acolyte of Mitra, learned by NPC: Muriela the Artisan.

Crafted at: Shrine of Mitra, Sancturay of Mitra, Temple of Mitra

Material cost: Lingering Essence (1)



Aloe Extract:

7A583C69 8518 40D6 9A55 FE27DB5C0679

Item ID: 53001

Regenerating: Restores 30% of total Health over 10 seconds.

Weight: 1.25

Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Aloe Leaves (10)

Material cost (III): Aloe Leaves (7)

Material cost (IV): Aloe Leaves (5)



Yellow Lotus Potion:

5041F0CE 4CE0 4F73 BF44 76C9B7A24470

Item ID: 53101

Memory Loss: Resets all Attribute Points and Feats Points.

Expires in: 0:00

Weight: 2.50

Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Yellow Lotus Blossom (10)

Material cost (III): Yellow Lotus Blossom (7)

Material cost (IV): Yellow Lotus Blossom (5)



Potion of Endowment:

0A210A5D 9D35 4A8E 91EF 1C89C0B020E5

Item ID: 18275

Increased Charisma: Improves the most essential part of your character for 60 minutes.

Weight: 2.50

Recipe: Specialist Cooking X, learned by a note at Drifter’s Rest.

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (3)

Material cost (III): Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (2)

Material cost (IV): Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1), Grey Lotus Powder (1)



Set Antidote:

7C37F3C1 B5A0 4F57 9CF5 00A2C1D53CB3

Item ID: 53503

Antidote: Removes all Poison effects.

Weight: 1.25

Recipe: Acolyte of Set, creating a character with Set as Religion.

Recipe: Acolyte of Set, Level 1, Cost:50

Recipe: Acolyte of Set, learned by NPC: Mek-kamoses.

Crafted at: Sepulcher of Set, Altar of Set, Sanctum of Set

Material cost: Human Heart (1)



Violet Cureall:

6584914D 60A5 4AC5 975B 99656CDA3C86

Item ID: 53011

Antidote: Removes all Poison effects.

Weight: 2.50

Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Serpent Venom Gland (10)

Material cost (III): Serpent Venom Gland (7)

Material cost (IV): Serpent Venom Gland (5)



Breathing Potion:

6F7EC021 F699 4C22 8216 C0A4F0AE8A05

Item ID: 53102

Water Breathing: This allows you to breathe underwater for 60 seconds.

Weight: 2.50

Recipe: Dredger, learned by a rune at the entrance in The Dregs.

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (5)

Material cost (III): Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (3)

Material cost (IV): Water Orb (1), Glowing Essence (2)



Fish Gill Potion:

B7709475 9727 416A 9226 423016CE60D8

Item ID: 18301


Water Breathing: This allows you to breathe underwater for 120 seconds.

Weight: 2.50

Recipe: Potionmaker, Level 58, Cost:12

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Water-filled Glass Flask (1), Alchemical Base (1),

Purple Lotus Powder (1), Crimson Lotus Powder (1)



Reaper Poison:

8EC20A77 8974 4410 ADE3 0661B30899E5

Item ID: 53201

Weapon Enhancement: Applies a stacking poison effect on your target.

Weight: 1.25

Recipe: Firebowl Cauldron, Level 15, Cost:3

Crafted at: Firebowl Cauldron, Improved Firebowl Cauldron

Material cost: Sand Reaper Toxin Gland (1)


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