Controls for Crackdown 3 (PC & Xbox) - Magic Game World

Controls for Crackdown 3 (PC & Xbox)

Controls for Crackdown 3 (PC & Xbox)

Having trouble mastering Crackdown 3? Not to worry, you’re bound to get the hang of it. Meet every PC keyboard and Xbox gamepad control—grab our guide. Oh, there’s that video tutorial that comes with all the PC settings you can check out too, if you are interested in a more visual approach.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls

  • Forward: W


  • Backward: S


  • Left: A


  • Right: D


  • Jump/Air Burst (in air): Space Bar


  • Evade/Vector Thrust (in air): Left Shift or C


  • Fire Weapon: Left Mouse Button


  • Use Equipment: G or Left Ctrl


  • Lock On: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Bull Rush (Hold)/Ground Pound: Middle Mouse Button or Q


  • Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Weapon 1: 1


  • Weapon 2: 2


  • View Scoreboard: Tab


  • Push to Talk: Left Alt



Xbox Gamepad Controls

Controls for Crackdown 3 (PC & Xbox)


  • Move/Press Evade: Left Stick


  • Lock On: Left Trigger


  • Scoreboard: View Button


  • Reload: RB


  • Switch Weapon: Y


  • Options: Menu Button


  • Fire: Right Trigger


  • Use Equipment: Right Bumper


  • Switch Weapon: B


  • Air Ground Pound/Hold Flying Fist: B (Hold)


  • Jump/Air Jump: A


  • Move Camera/Press Jump/Press Air Jump: Right Stick


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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