Controls for Dominions 6 - Rise of the Pantokrator - Magic Game World

Controls for Dominions 6 – Rise of the Pantokrator

Controls for Dominions 6 - Rise of the Pantokrator

Check out this complete rundown of all the keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys for Dominions 6 – Rise of the Pantokrator. There’s a bunch, ’cause the game’s pretty complex, but this handy guide’s here for a quick look-up whenever you need a refresher.



Default Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys

Viewing Provinces: Right-Click on a province to check it out. If left-clicking is more your style, you can switch it up in the game settings.


Selecting Commanders: Just Left-Click on a commander’s icon to pick them. They’ll highlight in white to show they’re on your radar.


Commander Movement: Left-Click on where you want to send your commander and they’re on their way.


Getting More Information: Right-Click on just about anything like units, magic items, or spells in most screens to dig into the details.



Top Right Buttons on the Map Screen:

These are split into five cool sections.


Province Buttons for stuff you do in your current spot:

  • (e) for Ending your turn


  • (t) for setting up your Army


  • (y) for Army setup, but at the next stop


  • (u) for Patrolling Army setup


  • (r) to Recruit Units


  • (b) to check out Mercenaries


  • (i) to Read up on Province Chronicles


Nation Buttons for the bigger picture:

  • (m) to Read Messages


  • (s) to Send Messages


  • (F1) for an Overview of your Nation


  • (F2) to see Score Graphs


  • (F3) to visit the Hall of Fame


  • (F4) to see info on Pretenders


Magic Buttons for the arcane stuff:

  • (F5) for Research


  • (F6) for Global Enchantments


  • (F7) to peek into your Magic Item Treasury


  • (F8) for an Overview of Magic Items


  • (F9) to check out Thrones of Ascension


Game Buttons for general settings:

  • (Esc) for Options


  • (e) to End your Turn after you’re all set


Plane Buttons for different realms:

  • (1) for the Pantokrator’s Realm


  • (2) for The Realm Beneath


  • (3) for The Void


Hiding UI Elements: Hit the “h” key to make all the buttons and commanders vanish leaving just the map.



Map Navigation and Viewing:

  • Arrow Keys: Scroll the map.


  • Home: Go to the home province.


  • Ctrl+Home: Go to Pretender/Disciple.


  • g / #: Jump to a specific province number.


  • End: Zoom out to 0.5x.


  • Insert/Delete: Adjust zoom to fit the screen or the entire map.


  • Page Up/Down: Zoom in or out.


  • Ctrl+F: Open the map filter menu.


  • Ctrl+(1-0): Toggle various map elements like flags, armies, province names, etc.



Useful Keys When Viewing Battles:

  • Scroll map: Arrow Keys


  • Camera height: PageUp/PageDown


  • Pause: Spacebar


  • Team squares: C


  • Grid toggle: G


  • Wireframe grid: W


  • Quit replay: Q


  • Fast replay: F


  • Fastest replay: T


  • Normal speed replay: S


  • Unit combat log: V


  • Slow motion: Z


  • List units: F1


  • Weather/Dominion info: F2


  • Hotkeys list: ?


  • Battle log detail: 1/2/3/4


  • Scroll battle log: +/-


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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