Controls for Dungeons of Sundaria
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
14 Apr 2022
In this guide, you’ll find all the basic PC keyboard and Xbox gamepad commands for Dungeons of Sundaria. Don’t forget, you can tweak these commands to your liking right from the main menu—just hop into settings whenever you feel like it. This guide is here for a quick check; Super handy for a quick peek whenever you need it!!
Xbox Gamepad Commands
- LB: Alternate Ability
- LT: Ability 2/7
- LS: Dodge
- LS: Look
- D-pad Up: Use Consumable
- D-pad Right: Next Consumable
- D-pad Left: Previous Consumable
- D-pad Down: Next Ability Bar
- RB: Ability 3/9
- RT: Ability 1/7
- RS: Move
- RS: Jump
- A: Interact
- B: Ability 6/12
- X: Ability 4/10
- Y: Ability 5/11
- Menu Button: Menu
- View Button: Inventory
PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings
- Move Forward: W
- Move Backward: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Jump: Spacebar
- Dodge: Shift
- Autorun: Home
- Ability 1: Left Mouse Button
- Ability 2: 1
- Ability 3: 2
- Ability 4: 3
- Ability 5: 4
- Ability 6: 5
- Ability 7: 6
- Ability 8: 7
- Ability 9: 8
- Consumable: C
- Interact: F
- Party: P
Inventory Hotkeys:
- Compare: ALT
- Drop: Z
- Split Stack: C
- Sort: X
- Use: F
- Select: Spacebar
- Next Tab: E
- Back: ESC