Controls for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
14 Aug 2022
Here’s a quick guide to the default controls for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising on PC, PS4/5, and Xbox. Feel free to customize these to your liking. And don’t forget, there are more control options in the settings menu if you want to switch things up!!
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls
Battle Controls
- Up: W
- Down: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Light Attack: U
- Medium Attack: I
- Heavy Attack: K
- Unique Action: J
- Skill: P
- Block: ;
- Throw: O
- Dash: L
- Record: N
- Replay: M
- Reset Position: 1
- Jump: J
Online Lobby/Grand Bruise Controls
- Up: W
- Down: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Attack: P
- Jump: J
- Dive: ;
- Interact: K
- Player List: U
- Communication List: I
- Pick up/Drop Item: K
- Strafe: U
Xbox Gamepad Controls
Battle Controls
- Movement: Left Analog Stick
- Light Attack: X
- Medium Attack: Y
- Heavy Attack: B
- Unique Action: A
- Skill: RB
- Block: RT
- Throw: LB
- Dash: LT
- Record: LS
- Replay: RS
- Reset Position: View Button
Online Lobby/Grand Bruise Controls
- Movement: Left Analog Stick
- Jump: A
- Attack: RB
- Dive: RT
- Interact: B
- Player List: X
- Communication List: Y
- Pick up/Drop Item: B
- Strafe: X
PlayStation 4/5 Controls
Battle Controls
- Movement: Left Analog Stick
- Light Attack: Square
- Medium Attack: Triangle
- Heavy Attack: Circle
- Unique Action: Cross
- Skill: R1
- Block: R2
- Throw: L1
- Dash: L2
- Record: L3
- Replay: R3
- Reset Position: Share Button
Online Lobby/Grand Bruise Controls
- Movement: Left Analog Stick
- Jump: Cross
- Attack: R1
- Dive: R2
- Interact: Circle
- Player List: Square
- Communication List: Triangle
- Pick up/Drop Item: Circle
- Strafe: Square