Controls for LEGO Bricktales
Articles, LEGO Game, Misc. Guides /
03 Jan 2023
LEGO Bricktales lets you live out your LEGO fantasies—without the risk of misplacing a tiny piece or stepping on a brick at night. This adventure game challenges you to use your imagination and LEGO bricks to tackle clever puzzles, from constructing bridges to creating gravity-defying machines. It’s LEGO, but it puts your mind to work a bit more!
Before you dive in and begin building your creation, let’s get to know the controls. This guide provides a clear list of all the default PC and Xbox gamepad controls for quick reference. We’ve also included a video that shows you the default settings so you’ll know what to expect when you start playing.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls
Palette Selection:
- Focus Main Palette: 1
- Focus Color Palette: 2
- Focus World Palette: 3, 4
Brick Manipulation:
- Rotate Brick Clockwise: R
- Rotate Brick Counterclockwise: Shift + R
- Snap Brick Up: E
- Step Brick Up: Shift + E
- Snap Brick Down: Q
- Step Brick Down: Shift + Q
- Select a Brick: Mouse Click
- Drag a Brick to Duplicate: Shift + Drag
- Move Brick: Drag
Sandbox and Camera:
- Activate Sandbox: Tab
- Hold to Select Sandbox Bricks: Tab
- Rotate Camera: Mouse Drag
- Move Camera: Mouse Drag
- Move Camera (Alternative): Shift + Mouse Drag
- Zoom: Mouse Wheel
- Hold to Reset Camera to Default: Mouse Click
- Input Modifier: Shift
- Undo Last Action: Ctrl/Cmd + Z
- Redo Last Action: Ctrl/Cmd + Y
- Zoom In: F
- Zoom Out: C
Xbox Controller Scheme