Controls for Medal of Honor: Airborne - Magic Game World

Controls for Medal of Honor: Airborne

Controls for Medal of Honor: Airborne

This quick reference guide lists the default controls for Medal of Honor: Airborne on PC. You can also check out the video below to see all the default game settings.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings

  • Move / Peek Forward: W


  • Move / Peek Back: S


  • Strafe / Peek Left: A


  • Strafe / Peek Right: D


  • Use / Action: E


  • Crouch: Left Control


  • Sprint / Ironsights Move: Shift


  • Jump / Flare / Hold Breath: Spacebar


  • Ironsights: Right Mouse


  • Zoom In: X


  • Zoom Out: Z


  • Reload: R


  • Melee: F


  • Fire Weapon: Left Mouse


  • Alt Fire: Middle Mouse


  • Grenade Cycle: G


  • Weapon Cycle: Left Alt


  • Pistol: 1


  • Primary Weapon: 2


  • Secondary Weapon: 3


  • Frag Grenade: 4


  • Stick Grenade: 5


  • Gammon Grenade: 6


  • Scoreboard: Tab


  • Say Team: T


  • Say All: Y


  • Voice Chat: V


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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