Controls for Pioneers of Pagonia
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
11 Oct 2020
Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Pioneers of Pagonia.
PC Key Bindings & Hotkeys
Map Navigation Keys
- Move map up: W
- Move map up (secondary key): Up Arrow
- Move map down: S
- Move map down (secondary key): Down Arrow
- Move map left: A
- Move map left (secondary key): Left Arrow
- Move map right: D
- Move map right (secondary key): Right Arrow
- Zoom in: Insert
- Zoom out: Home
- Rotate map counterclockwise (ccw): Delete
- Rotate map clockwise (cw): End
- Pitch view up: PageUp
- Pitch view down: Next
Confirm and Cancel
- Confirm: Enter
- Cancel: Escape
Navigation Keys
- Navigate up: None
- Navigate down: None
- Navigate left: None
- Navigate right: None
- Navigate next: None
- Navigate previous: None
Construction Keys
- Toggle Snapping: T
- Construction preview clockwise rotation: E
- Construction preview counter-clockwise rotation: Q
- Construction preview clockwise rotation (alternate): XButton1
- Construction preview counter-clockwise rotation (alternate): XButton2
User Interface
- Toggle UI: Tab