Controls for Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
07 Feb 2021
Here’s your quick cheat sheet for all the default keys you’ll need to navigate Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox on your PC. Don’t worry, it’s a pretty short list, so you won’t have to memorize too much. Bookmark this page and pop back in anytime you need to jog your memory!!
Default PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Jump: W
- Hit: Space
- Interact: E
- Open Chat Input: Return
- Open Inventory: I
- Open Chat: O
- Open Recipes: R
- Show Card Collection: T
- Open Quests/Achievements: J
- Zoom In: Period
- Zoom Out: Minus
- Select Quick Slot – Fist: Z
- Select Quick Slot – Wrench: X
- Select Quick Slot – Block: C
- Select Quick Slot – Wiring: V
- UI on/off: U
- Face Expression 1: Alpha1
- Face Expression 2: Alpha2
- Face Expression 3: Alpha3
- Face Expression 4: Alpha4
- Face Expression 5: Alpha5
- Body Expression 1: Alpha6
- Body Expression 2: Alpha7
- Body Expression 3: Alpha8
- Body Expression 4: Alpha9
- Body Expression 5: Alpha0
- Familiar Expression: P
Default Control Scheme