Controls for Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Magic Game World

Controls for Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Controls for Return to Castle Wolfenstein

In this guide you’ll find a comprehensive list of keybindings & keyboard controls for Return to Castle Wolfenstein.



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Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings

Movement and Actions

  • Look Up: PGDN


  • Look Down: DEL


  • Mouse Look: \


  • Binoculars: B


  • Zoom In: =


  • Zoom Out:


  • Run/Walk: CAPSLOCK


  • Sprint: Shift


  • Forward: W or UPARROW


  • Backpedal: S or DOWNARROW


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Lean Left: Q


  • Lean Right: E


  • Jump: SPACE or MOUSE2


  • Crouch: C


  • Turn Left: LEFTARROW


  • Turn Right: RIGHTARROW


  • Strafe: ALT


  • Attack: CTRL or MOUSE1


  • Reload Weapon: R


  • Previous Weapon: ] or MWHEELUP


  • Next Weapon: [ or MWHEELDOWN


  • Switch to Alternate: Z or MOUSE3


  • Kick: G or X


  • Activate: ENTER or F


  • Toggle Notebook: N


  • Use Item:


  • Quicksave: F5


  • Quickload: F9




  • Tesla: 0


  • Knife: 1


  • Pistols: 2


  • Machineguns: 3


  • Rifles: 4


  • Assault Rifles: 5


  • Grenades: 6


  • Rockets: 7


  • Venom: 8


  • Flamethrower: 9


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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