Controls for RoboCop: Rogue City
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
22 Mar 2021
Below is the complete list of controls and keybindings for RoboCop: Rogue City on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.
PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings
- Move Forward: W
- Move Back: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Shoot: Left Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Heal: H
- Night Vision Mode: V
- Melee Attack: Middle Mouse Button or F
- Ability Dash: Space Bar
- Ability Shockwave: C
- Ability Slowmotion: Z
- Ability Shield: G
- Interact: E
- Intranet: TAB
- Inventory: L
- Map: M
- Journal: J
- Cycle Fire Mode: X
Xbox Series X & S Controller Bindings
- Move: Left Stick
- Sprint: Left Stick (Hold)
- Reload/Interact/Grab: X
- Heal/Ability Shield: B
- Ability Dash: A
- Next Weapon: Y
- Night Vision Mode/Look: Right Stick Hold
- Cycle Fire Mode: D-Pad Up
- Skills: D-Pad Right
- Ability Shockwave: D-Pad Down
- Inventory: D-Pad Right
- Aim: LT
- Ability Slowmotion: LB
- Shoot: RT
- Melee Attack: RB
PlayStation 5 Controls
- Move: Left Stick
- Sprint: L3
- Reload/Interact/Grab: X
- Heal/Ability Shield: Circle
- Ability Dash: Cross
- Next Weapon: Triangle
- Night Vision Mode/Look: R3
- Cycle Fire Mode: D-Pad Up
- Skills: D-Pad Right
- Ability Shockwave: D-Pad Down
- Inventory: D-Pad Right
- Aim: L2
- Ability Slowmotion: L1
- Shoot: R2
- Melee Attack: R1