Controls for Robocraft 2
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
24 Mar 2022
Below is a comprehensive list of keyboard commands for Robocraft 2 on PC, for easy reference:
Default PC Keyboard Controls and Key Bindings
Movement Controls
- W: Move Forwards
- S: Move Backwards
- A: Move Left
- D: Move Right
- Spacebar: Jump/Ascend
- Left Ctrl: Crouch/Descend
- Left Shift: Run
Build Mode Hotkeys
- Left Mouse Button: Place Object
- Right Mouse Button: Delete Object/Clear Selection
- Mouse Button 3: Pick Object
- Q: Inventory
- B: Block Mode
- M: Material Mode
- C: Color Mode
- E: Config Mode
- P: Precon Mode
- Left Shift: Uniform Scale Scroll
- F11: Scale Block Up
- F12: Scale Block Down
- R: Rotate Object Clockwise
- CTRL + V: Rotate Object Anticlockwise
- DELETE: Delete Selection
- TAB: Hide all config panels
- F: Toggle Flip Tool
- X: Toggle Cursor Mode
- F4: Toggle Atmosphere
- UP ARROW: Shift the Robocraft up
- DOWN ARROW: Shift the Robocraft down
- LEFT ARROW: Shift the Robocraft left
- RIGHT ARROW: Shift the Robocraft right
- .: Shift the Robocraft forward
- ,: Shift the Robocraft backward
- O: Orientation Toggle
- F6: Third Grid Toggle
- V: Mirror Mode Toggle
- [: Shift Mirror Line Left
- ]: Shift Mirror Line Right
- N: Landscape Mode
- L: Tech Ladder
- RETURN: Restart Video
- E: Use
- R: Reassemble
- F: Recall / Switch Robocraft
- F7: Switch to next player
- CTRL + F7: Switch to previous player
- 1: Hotbar Slot 1
- 2: Hotbar Slot 2
- 3: Hotbar Slot 3
- 4: Hotbar Slot 4
- 5: Hotbar Slot 5
- 6: Hotbar Slot 6
- 7: Hotbar Slot 7
- 8: Hotbar Slot 8
- 9: Hotbar Slot 9
- 0: Hotbar Slot 10
- SHIFT + 1: Hotbar Page 1
- SHIFT + 2: Hotbar Page 2
- SHIFT + 3: Hotbar Page 3
- SHIFT + 4: Hotbar Page 4
- SHIFT + 5: Hotbar Page 5
- SHIFT + 6: Hotbar Page 6
- SHIFT + 7: Hotbar Page 7
- SHIFT + 8: Hotbar Page 8
- SHIFT + 9: Hotbar Page 9
- SHIFT + 0: Hotbar Page 10
Other Controls
- F8: Debug Info
- F5: Save
- E: Enter Edit Mode
- T: Start Time Play
- K: Confirm Notification