Controls for Roboquest - Magic Game World

Controls for Roboquest

Controls for Roboquest

Here’s a rundown of the basic controls for playing Roboquest on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X. Just a heads up – you can totally tweak these keys and buttons to suit your style:



All PC Settings



Default PC Keyboard & Mouse Controls

  • Forwards: W or Up Arrow


  • Backwards: S or Down Arrow


  • Left: A or Left Arrow


  • Right: D or Right Arrow


  • Sprint: Shift


  • Jump: Space


  • Crouch: Ctrl


  • Primary Ability: Q


  • Secondary Ability: V


  • Fire: Left Mouse Button


  • Alt-Fire: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Drop Weapon: G


  • Weapon 1: 1


  • Weapon 2: 2


  • Switch Weapon: Scroll Wheel Up


  • Previous Weapon: Scroll Wheel Down


  • Next Weapon: Scroll Wheel Up


  • Interact: E


  • Perk Selector: T


  • Control Panel: Tab


  • Menu: M


  • Screenshot Mode: F8


  • Ping: F



Xbox One & Series X/S Controls

  • Sprint: Left Stick Press


  • Jump: A


  • Crouch: B


  • Primary Ability: RB (Shoulder Button)


  • Secondary Ability: Right Stick Press


  • Fire: RT


  • Alt-Fire: LT


  • Reload: X


  • Drop Weapon: D-Pad Down


  • Switch Weapon: LB


  • Interact: Y


  • Perk Selector: D-Pad Up


  • Control Panel: View Button


  • Menu: Start Button


  • Ping: D-Pad Left



PlayStation Controls

Roboquest isn’t on PS4 or PS5 but if you use a PlayStation controller on your PC -> the default controls will look something like this:


  • Sprint: L3 (Left Stick Press)


  • Jump: X


  • Crouch: Circle


  • Primary Ability: R1


  • Secondary Ability: R3


  • Fire: R2


  • Alt-Fire: L2


  • Reload: Square


  • Drop Weapon: D-Pad Down


  • Switch Weapon: L1


  • Interact: Triangle


  • Perk Selector: D-Pad Up


  • Control Panel: Touchpad Button


  • Menu: Options Button


  • Ping: D-Pad Left


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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