Controls for SAS: Zombie Assault 4
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
07 Jan 2021
Here’s the rundown on all the default keyboard and Xbox Gamepad buttons for SAS: Zombie Assault 4. The controls are pretty straightforward and simple to memorize. But just in case you need to jog your memory, this cheat sheet’s got you covered for a quick glance whenever necessary.
PC Keyboard Controls
- Move Up: W
- Move Left: A
- Move Down: S
- Move Right: D
- Frag Grenade: F
- Cryo Grenade: C
- Reload weapon: R
- Cycle Weapons: Q or E
- Deploy Turret: T
- Cycle Turrets: Z or X
- Skills: 1, 2, 3
- Fire: Left Mouse Button (LMB)
- Pause: Esc
Xbox Controller Bindings
- Move: Left Stick
- Aim/Fire: Right Stick
- Frag Grenade: Left Bumper (LB)
- Cryo Grenade: Right Bumper (RB)
- Reload Weapon: X Button
- Cycle Weapons: Y Button
- Deploy Turret: A Button
- Cycle Turret: B Button
- Move Target (Hold): Left Trigger (LT)
- Fire: Right Trigger (RT)
- Buy High Damage Ammo: Left Analog Stick Click (L3)
- Confirm Target: Right Analog Stick Click (R3)
- Skill 1: D-Pad Left
- Skill 2: D-Pad Up
- Skill 3: D-Pad Right
- Chat (online only): D-Pad Down
Default Control Scheme