Controls for Soulash 2
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Soulash /
02 Jan 2023
Here’s a rundown of the default keyboard controls and hotkeys for Soulash 2 on your PC. Just a heads up -> you can totally change these up in the main menu settings if you need to:
All PC Settings
- Move forward: W
- Move backward: S
- Move right: D
- Move left: A
- Rotate left: Q
- Rotate right: E
- Move up / down: Z or > <
- Rotate (hold): Left Alt
- Open inventory: I
- Open crafting panel: C
- Open book of abilities: V
- Open world map: M
- Open knowledge screen: K
- Options: O
- Open tutorials: J
- Cheat Console (only in debug): ‘ tilde key
- Look (hold): Left Shift
- Use item: U
- Rest: R
- Rest until healed: H
- Sleep: R
- Drink: N
- Eating: E
- Equip / Unequip: E
- Drop item: F
- Fill container: G
- Clear container: L
- Light on / off: G
- Cancel action: Escape
- Exit window: Escape
- Drag item: G
- Open / Close: Y
- Clean up: X
- Swap weapons: X
- Salvaging: S
- Ability bar switch: Left Ctrl
- Ability hotkey 1: 1
- Ability hotkey 2: 2
- Ability hotkey 3: 3
- Ability hotkey 4: 4
- Ability hotkey 5: 5
- Ability hotkey 6: 6
- Ability hotkey 7: 7
- Ability hotkey 8: 8
- Ability hotkey 9: 9
- Ability hotkey 10: 0
- Ability hotkey 11: –
- Ability hotkey 12: =