Controls for Stardew Valley - Magic Game World

Controls for Stardew Valley

Controls for Stardew Valley

Finding Stardew Valley a bit tricky? No worries, we’re here to help!! This guide has all the PC keyboard controls & gamepad controls for Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo switch. If you prefer a visual guide, check out our video tutorial that walks you through all the game settings.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings

  • Interact/Perform Action: Right Click/X


  • Use Tool: Left Click/C


  • Open Menu: Escape/E


  • Open Journal: F


  • Open Map: M


  • Move Up: W


  • Move Down: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Open Chat Box: Question/T


  • Open Emote Menu: Y


  • Run: Left Shift


  • Switch Toolbar: Tab


  • Select Inventory Slot 1: 1


  • Select Inventory Slot 2: 2


  • Select Inventory Slot 3: 3


  • Select Inventory Slot 4: 4


  • Select Inventory Slot 5: 5


  • Select Inventory Slot 6: 6


  • Select Inventory Slot 7: 7


  • Select Inventory Slot 8: 8


  • Select Inventory Slot 9: 9


  • Select Inventory Slot 10: 0


  • Select Inventory Slot 11: Minus –


  • Select Inventory Slot 12: Plus +



Stardew Valley Nintendo Switch Controls List

  • Interact/Perform Action/Move Cursor: A


  • Use Tool: Y


  • Open Menu: Plus


  • Open Journal: Minus


  • Open Crafting Menu: X


  • Cancel/Back: B


  • Move Character: Left Stick, D-Pad


  • Move Cursor/Open In-Game Chat: Right Stick


  • Switch Item: ZL, ZR


  • Switch Toolbar: L, R



Stardew Valley Xbox Gamepad Controls

  • Interact/Perform Action/Move Cursor: A


  • Use Tool: X


  • Open Menu: Menu, B


  • Open Journal: View


  • Open Crafting Menu: Y


  • Move Character: Left Stick, D-Pad


  • Move Cursor/Open In-Game Chat: Right Stick


  • Switch Item: LT, RT


  • Switch Toolbar: LB, RB



PlayStation Controller Bindings

  • Interact/Perform Action/Move Cursor: Cross


  • Use Tool: Square


  • Open Menu: Options or Circle


  • Open Journal: Touchpad


  • Open Crafting Menu: Triangle


  • Move Character: Left Stick or D-Pad


  • Move Cursor/Open Chat: Right Stick


  • Switch Items: L2 or R2


  • Switch Toolbars: L1 or R1


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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