Controls for StellaGale: The Trials Of Faith
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
01 Jan 2023
Check out all the keyboard and Xbox controller commands you can use in StellaGale: The Trials Of Faith – we’ve got them all listed here for you!!
Xbox Gamepad Controls
- Move Left: Left Stick Left (L)
- Move Right: Left Stick Right (L)
- Up (Jump): A
- Down: Left Stick Down (L)
- Look Down: Left Stick Down (L)
- Attack: X
- Dodge: B
- Guard: Left Trigger (LT)
- Shoot: Right Trigger (RT)
- Interact: D-Pad Down
- Taunt: Right Stick Click (R3)
- Use Item: D-Pad Up
- Next Item: D-Pad Left
- Previous Item: D-Pad Right
- Skill Mode Skill 1: X
- Skill Mode Skill 2: Y
- Skill Mode Skill 3: B
- Ultimate Mode: Left Bumper (LB)
- Next: A
- Fast Forward: Y
- Auto: B
- Toggle UI: X
PC Keyboard Controls
- Move Left: Arrow Left
- Move Right: Arrow Right
- Up (Jump): Arrow Up
- Down: Arrow Down
- Look Down: Arrow Down
- Attack: D
- Dodge: Spacebar
- Guard: S
- Shoot: A
- Interact: R
- Taunt: T
- Use Item: F
- Next Item: Z
- Previous Item: X
- Skill Mode Skill 1: A
- Skill Mode Skill 2: S
- Skill Mode Skill 3: D
- Skill 1 Shortcut: Q
- Skill 2 Shortcut: W
- Skill 3 Shortcut: E
- Ultimate Mode: Shift
- Next: Spacebar
- Fast Forward: Q
- Auto: E
- Toggle UI: TAB