Controls for Survive the Fall
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
02 Jan 2023
Check out this easy-to-follow guide that’s got all the keyboard shortcuts for PC and the controller setup for PlayStation in Survive the Fall. There are loads of shortcuts to keep in mind, so this guide is great for a quick reminder whenever you need it.
PC Keyboard Controls:
Exploration Mode:
- Movement: WASD
- Sprint: SHIFT
- Crouch: C
- Dodge: SPACE
- Camera Rotation: MOUSE
- Camera Zoom: MOUSE SCROLL
- Skill: X
- Next Melee Weapon: F1
- Next Ranged Weapon: F2
- Next Gadget: F3
- Receive Camp Message: T
- Execution of a Postponed Plan: B
- Character Switch: TAB
- First Character: 1
- Second Character: 2
- Third Character: 3
- Radial Menu: TAB (HOLD)
- Quick Gadget Use: ALT
- Gadget Use: ALT (HOLD)
Combat Mode:
- Aim: RMB
- Melee Attack: LMB
- Tactical Mode: V
- Follow/Unfollow: CTRL
- Force Follow: CTRL (HOLD)
- Menu: ESC
- Inventory: I
- Journal: J
- Notebook: L
- Map: M
- Hide Tutorial Message: ENTER
Camp Mode:
- Camera Movement: WASD
- Cursor Movement: MOUSE
- Camera Rotation: PPM (HOLD)
- Choose Action: LPM
- Undo Action: PPM
- Switch Settler: TAB
- Radial Settlers Menu: TAB (HOLD)
- Camera Zoom: MOUSE SCROLL
- Speeding up Time: F2
- Slowing Movement: F1
- Hide Tutorial Message: ENTER
- Building Mode: B
- Technology Window: T
- Journal: J
- Show/Hide Stats: ALT
PlayStation Controller Bindings
Exploration Mode:
- Movement: Left Analog
- Sprint: L3
- Crouch: Circle
- Dodge: A
- Camera Rotation: Right Analog
- Camera Zoom: Right Analog (Up & Down)
- Skill: R3
- Next Melee Weapon: Left Arrow
- Next Gadget: Right Arrow (Hold)
- Receive Camp Message: Up Arrow
- Execution of a Postponed Plan: R1
- Character Switch: Triangle
Combat Mode:
- Aim: L2 (Hold)
- Melee Attack: R2
- Tactical Mode: R1
- Follow/Unfollow: Down Arrow
- Force Follow: L1 (Hold)
- Menu: Options
- Inventory: Touchpad
Camp Mode:
- Camera Movement: Left Analog
- Cursor Movement: Left Analog
- Camera Rotation: Right Analog
- Choose Action: X
- Undo Action: Circle
- Switch Settler: Triangle
- Radial Settlers Menu: Triangle (Hold)
- Camera Zoom: Right Analog (Up & Down)
- Pause: –
- Speeding up Time: R2
- Slowing Movement: L2 (Hold)
- Hide Tutorial Message: Up Arrow
- Building Mode: Down Arrow
- Technology Window: Left Arrow
- Journal: Right Arrow
- Show/Hide Stats: Touchpad
Default Control Scheme