Controls for Total War: NAPOLEON - Magic Game World

Controls for Total War: NAPOLEON

Controls for Total War: NAPOLEON

Here are all the default PC keyboard controls and hotkeys for Total War: NAPOLEON:



Campaign Map Keys


  • Move Up – W or Num 5


  • Move Down – S or Num 2


  • Strafe Left – A or Num 1


  • Strafe Right – D or Num 3


  • Increase Height – Num * or X


  • Decrease Height – Num / or Z




  • End Turn – Enter


  • Options Menu – Esc


  • Animation Speed up (Toggle) – Space Bar


  • Quick Save – Ctrl + S


  • Quick Load – Ctrl + L


  • Look at Nation Capital – Home


  • Cancel Order – Backspace



Battle Map Keys


  • Move Forward – W or Num 5


  • Move Backward – S or Num 2


  • Rotate Left – Q or Num 4


  • Rotate Right – E or Num 6


  • Strafe Left – A or Num 1


  • Strafe Right – D or Num 3


  • Increase Height – Num * or X


  • Decrease Height – Num / or Z


  • Pitch Upwards – Num + or C


  • Pitch Downwards – Num – or V


  • Zoom: General – Home


  • Zoom: Unit – End


  • Track Unit – Delete



Gameplay and UI Controls

  • Show Unit Destinations – Space


  • Select all cavalry – Ctrl + C


  • Select all musketeers – Ctrl + M


  • Select all melee only – Ctrl + H


  • Select all artillery – Ctrl + B


  • Toggle Pause – Pause or P


  • Toggle Game Speed – Ctrl + T


  • Open Battle Chat (General) – Shift + G


  • Open Battle Chat (Team) – Shift + T


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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