Controls for TRIBES 3: Rivals
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
02 Jan 2023
Check out this guide for all the keyboard and Xbox gamepad controls you can use in TRIBES 3: Rivals. Everything’s customizable through the settings menu, so feel free to tweak things to your liking. Keep this page bookmarked, so you’ve always got a handy reference for a quick refresher whenever you need it.
PC Keyboard & Xbox Gamepad Controls
- Forward: W
- Backward: S
- Left: A
- Right: D
- Jetpack: Space Bar
- Jump Without Jetpack: Comma
- Ski: Left Shift
- Cancel Ski: C
- Primary Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Aim: Right Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Switch to Weapon 1: 1
- Switch to Weapon 2: 2
- Swap to Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up
- Swap to Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down
- Drop Flag: F
- Ping: Middle Mouse Button
- Belt Item: Q
- Pack Item: E
- Use Repair Tool: Z
- Open Map: M
- Open Scoreboard: Tab
- Toggle Third Person Camera: P
- Recall: B
- Toggle Zoom Level: X
- Change Loadout: K
Xbox Gamepad
- Forward: Left Stick Up
- Backward: Left Stick Down
- Left: Left Stick Left
- Right: Left Stick Right
- Jetpack: A + RT
- Cancel Ski: Right Stick Click
- Primary Fire: RT
- Aim: LT
- Reload: X
- Swap to Next Weapon: RB
- Swap to Previous Weapon: LB
- Drop Flag: B
- Ping: DPad Up
- Belt Item: LB
- Pack Item: RB
- Open Map: DPad Left
In-Game Default Control Scheme