Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient Cheats - Magic Game World

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient Cheats

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient Cheats

All Endings


Floor 1, Main Area:

– Head west, towards the staircase. Keep in mind the halls are now patrolled by different, faster enemies. Easy to maneuver around, but be careful. Enter the ladies’ bathroom, after a small cutscene.



Ladies Bathroom:

– Talk to Chiyomi in the fourth stall. Take the Toilet Paper and give it to her.



Floor 2,

Main Area:

– Head through the Office, to the OP Room Hallway, and into the MRI Room, through the left door.



MRI Room:

Medical Chart 27: Behind the stretcher in the middle, right as you enter.


Medical Chart 9: On the bottom left desk, in plain sight.


– Enter through the door on the bottom right, then exit the MRI Room with the southern door.


Medical Chart 21: Go to the emergency exit. Go up the stairs. The Chart is right there.


– Enter the Operating Room, then exit and go back to the MRI Room.


Medical Chart 16: Now that the body is gone, this Chart is in the middle of the MRI Room.


– Head back to the Nurse’s Station.




Nurse’s Station

– Move the top right chair, examine the vent then use the 10 Yen Coins to unscrew it. You can’t enter the vent system just yet, however.


– Talk to Ritsuko, choose “Okay, I understand.”.


– Walk around until you get a cutscene, then walk around again until you get another one, then again until you get a third cutscene.


– Run to the vent.



Air Ducts:

Medical Chart 23: As soon as you’re out, head up and left.


– Keep moving left until you reach a cutscene.


Medical Chart 13: At the intersection after the cutscene, head up and right into a dead end.


– Go down and left and exit the ducts.



X-Ray Room:

Medical Chart 17: After you exit the ducts, right behind you.


– Pick up the Consultation Record, right next to the candle.


– In the bottom room, interact with the machine on the left to get X-Ray Image 2.


– Examine the X-Ray bed, then the computer with the yellow sticky notes to lift the bed. Grab X-Ray Image 1.


– Turn off the lights in the top room with the switch, then attach the X-Ray Images on the screen.


– Use the code on the door: 3285 – NOTE: May be random.



Floor 1, Main Area:

– Heading left towards the stairs will lead into a cutscene.


– Head to the elevators. Keep in mind there are new enemies patrolling, tougher than the other ones, and have quite a bit of range on them.



Floor 2, Main Area:

– Head to OP Room Hallway, then to the MRI Room.



MRI Room:

Medical Chart 27: Behind the stretcher in the middle, right as you enter.


Medical Chart 9: On the bottom left desk, in plain sight.


– Enter through the door on the bottom right.


Medical Chart 16: Now that the body is gone, this Chart is in the middle of the bottom MRI Room.


– Exit the MRI Room.


OP Room Hallway:


Medical Chart 21: Go to the emergency exit. Go up the stairs. The Chart is right there.


– Examine the OP Room door. Choose to remove the iron plate.



OP Room:


Medical Chart 8: During the boss fight, the Chart is on the right side of the room.


– To defeat the Boss, you need to bait him into an attack, wait until he falls over, then interact with the lights in the middle of the room to damage him. Do this 4 times and you win.


– Head all the way to the first floor using the staircase. The hallways are pitch black now, but the fire doors are now open.



Floor 1, Main Area:

– Head down and left into the Boys Bathroom.


Medical Chart 22: In the boy’s bathroom, in the second stall.


– Head towards the elevators, but take a right into the Boys Bathroom.


Medical Chart 11: In the boy’s bathroom, above the urinals.


– Head back down and exit to the main entrance hall.



Entrance Hall:

– Here we go. Dodge everything in your path and head towards the exit.


– While Ritsuko unlocks the door, just survive. Once she’s unlocked it, run to it and escape.


– Congratulations. You’ve finished chapter 1. Not much of a “good end”, however.


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