Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash Cheats - Magic Game World

Corpse Party: Sweet Sachiko’s Hysteric Birthday Bash Cheats

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Chapter 1

Bad End #1 – At the bread-eating contest, DO NOT try to warn Seiko.


Bad End #2 – At the plank crossing challenge, refuse to trust Sachiko.


Bad End #3 – At the costume challenge, DO NOT switch costumes with Morishige.


True End – Pretty straightforward. Just make the choices that won’t lead you to a bad end.



Chapter 2

Bad End #1 – You will get to choose from 4 different scripts and a fifth choice that advances the plot. Choose any script 3 times in a row.


Bad End #2 – During the play, you will get several opportunities to defy the script or to follow the script. Choose to defy the script EVERY TIME you get this choice. Should be 4 times in a row.


True End – Another straightforward one. Disregard the four script choices you get at the beginning and as long as you DO NOT defy the script every single time during the play, you will get this.



Chapter 3

Bad End #1 – In the abandoned bomb shelter, keep verbally abusing Taguchi. Should be 3 times in a row.


Bad End #2 – In the torture room, as you’re looking around for more quiz questions, examine the desk.


BONUS: In the torture room, examine Sayaka 3 times in a row. This will give you a bonus CG.


Bad End #3 – Get every question wrong.


Bad End #4 – Get some of the questions right, but DO NOT break 427 points.



Correct Answers:

1. Choose Aiko’s left path.


2. The locker question: Yuka.


3. The buckets question: 10. *Bonus CG included*


4. The bloodstained table question: Emi Urabe.


5. The closed door question: 6.


6. The opened door question: Nari Amatoya.


7. The lights question: A monster was behind me.


8. Don’t follow the monster.


9. Let the timer run out.


True End – Get every question right or, at least, enough to break 427 points.



Chapter 4

Bad End #1 – When asked to pick a winner, defer to Satsuki.


Bad End #2 – When asked to pick a winner, pick Sachiko.


Bad End #3 – When asked to pick a winner, don’t pick anyone.


True End – Another straightforward chapter. The choices throughout do not actually matter and they don’t seem to give any bonus CGs. Only the last choice matters: when you’re asked to pick a winner, say you can’t pick just one.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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