Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Tips and Tricks - Magic Game World

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Tips and Tricks


If you are running low on lives, repeat Nsanity beach over & over for easy lives, but for lots of lives but harder, get the green gem from the lost city and go to Castle Machinery. A gem path appears at the start with 27 lives. Then the exit takes you to the end of the level!




Papu Papu: First he will slam his staff onto the floor. Jump on his head and avoid his spin attack, then jump on his head again. One more jump kills him, but DON’T let him fall on you when he’s dead. Jump on the chair to avoid the spin attack. Papu has three health points.


Ripper Roo: The crazy roo will bounce about in set patterns. It is easy to dodge him. Set off the TnT countdown and hope the mental roo is tricked into being blown up. Be careful not to drown!


Pattern 1: the center tile, the bottom left tile and the bottom right tile.


Pattern 2: The center-left tile, the center tile, the center-right tile and the center bottom tile.


Pattern 3: the center top tile, the center-right tile, the center bottom tile and the center-left tile. Ripper Roo has three health points.


Koala Kong: Dodge the TNTs and Kong’s rocks. When a rock doesn’t break, spin it to Kong but make sure no mine cart is protecting him. Koala Kong has four health points.


Pinstripe: Hide behind a chair whilst he fires his Tommy gun randomly round his office until he stops to reload. You have a short time to spin him so be careful. Pinstripe has six health points.


Dr. Nitrus Brio: Brio will throw green or red beakers at you. Green beakers summon blob monsters. Jump on their heads to lower brios health, red beaker are attack beakers. Once only three health points remain, Nitrus will drink his potion and turn into the NCredible Brio hulk monster. Jump on the blocks and spin his head three times to defeat him. Nitrus Brio has nine health points.


Dr. Neo Cortex: The demented, mad scientist will shoot lasers at you. There are 3 colors: the standard Red laser, Green lasers, the lasers you must spin back to damage him and the trickery Blue laser, which reappears at the sides of the screen and may move up and down to attack you again. His pace of shooting is normal, but when he has two health points he will launch a barrage of red lasers and few greens, so be careful. On the last health point he sort of gives up: shooting a single green laser to finish him. Then claim your prize: Tawna Bandicoot! Neo Cortex has five health points.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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