Crashlands 2 Controls Guide (Xbox & PC)
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
02 Feb 2024
Having trouble with Crashlands 2? Our guide covers everything you need to know about PC keyboard and Xbox gamepad controls. Plus, we’ve included a video tutorial to walk you through all the PC settings for the game.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings:
- Walk Up: W
- Walk Left: A
- Walk Down: S
- Walk Right: D
World Controls:
- Interact: –
- Hotbar 1: 1
- Hotbar 2: 2
- Hotbar 3: 3
- Hotbar 4: 4
- Toolbar 1: E
- Toolbar 2: R
- Toolbar 3: F
- Toolbar 4: C
- Equip Weapon: Q
- Healing Item: Z
- Juke: Space Bar
- Map: M
- Pet Ability: X
- Wrench: B
- Quests: J
- Equipment: I
Build Mode Controls:
- Interact: –
- Exit Build Mode: B
- Zapper: 1
- Floors: 2
- Structures: 3
- Eye Dropper: 4
- Flipper: F
- Selector Right: E
- Selector Left: Q
- Cutaway Structures: TAB
Confirmation Windows:
- Confirm: Enter
Crafting UI:
- Craft/Research: F
- Track/Untrack: R
- Toggle Favorite: V
- Next Tab: E
- Previous Tab: Q
Buddy Interaction UI:
- Select Next: S
- Select Previous: W
- Confirm: Enter
Pet UI:
- Follow: F
- Embiggen: E
Game Moments:
- Advance: –
World Map:
- Teleport Home: T
- Set Waypoint: W
- Infuse Jem: F
- Equip/Unequip: F
- Close Equipment: I
- Close Quests: L
Xbox Gamepad Controls:
- Walk Up: Left Stick Up
- Walk Left: Left Stick Left
- Walk Down: Left Stick Down
- Walk Right: Left Stick Right
World Controls:
- Interact: RT
- Hotbar 1: A
- Hotbar 2: B
- Hotbar 3: X
- Hotbar 4: Y
- Toolbar 1: D-Pad Up
- Toolbar 2: D-Pad Right
- Toolbar 3: D-Pad Down
- Toolbar 4: D-Pad Left
- Equip Weapon: LB
- Healing Item: RB
- Juke: LT
- Map: View Button
- Pet Ability: RS
Build Mode Controls:
- Interact: RT
- Zapper: LT
- Floors: A
- Structures: X
- Eye Dropper: Y
- Flipper: D-Pad Right
- Selector Right: RB
- Selector Left: LB
- Cutaway Structures: D-Pad Down
Confirmation Windows:
- Confirm: RT
Crafting UI:
- Craft/Research: RT
- Track/Untrack: Y
- Toggle Favorite: LT
- Next Tab: RB
- Previous Tab: LB
Buddy Interaction UI:
- Select Next: D-Pad Down
- Select Previous: D-Pad Up
- Confirm: RT
Pet UI:
- Follow: X
- Embiggen: Y
Game Moments:
- Advance: RT
World Map:
- Teleport Home: RT
- Set Waypoint: X
- Infuse Jem: RT
- Equip/Unequip: RT