Cricket 22 PC Controls and Key Bindings – Full List - Magic Game World

Cricket 22 PC Controls and Key Bindings – Full List

Cricket 22 PC Controls and Key Bindings – Full List

Cricket is the world’s second most popular sport, with over 2.5 billion fans spread across multiple countries (Australia, UK, India, Asia, etc.). It’s only natural that such a well-known sport should have a video game adaptation.


Big Ant Studios’ Cricket 2022 is the sequel to Cricket 2019 and includes several feature matches from the last two Ashes series. Other developments include improved bowling and fielding controls, a dedicated career mode, arcade-style gameplay with quicker matches, and Men’s and Women’s Big Bash League editions. The following is a list of all the keyboard and mouse controls you’ll need to master the game.



All PC Settings



Key Bindings

Batting Controls

Pre Delivery

Arrow Keys Aim Shot
Left Shift Toggle Advance
Backspace Open Tactics Menu
I/J/K/L Crease Positioning Mode (movement)
Left Click Drag Mouse Look Around Field
V Crease



During Delivery

Arrow Keys Aim Shot
Left Shift Toggle Advance
Ctrl Back Foot Shot (hold)
Q Grounded Shot Toggle
E Unorthodox Shot Toggle
S Attacking Shot
D Lofted Shot
W Defensive Shot
A Precision Shot
Tab Leave/Pad Away (in direction)



After Shot

D Cancel Run
W Dive
A Run/Queue Run
Space (hold) Sprint



Bowling Controls

Pre Delivery

Arrow Keys Aim Bowling Marker
I Open Tactics Menu
K Shine Ball
J/L Adjust Crease Approach (left/right)
W/A/S/D Four buttons map to the available Deliveries
Shift Toggle Special Deliveries



During Delivery – Pace

Arrow Keys Fine Tune Aim
S Standard Delivery
D Faster Delivery/Effort Ball
W Slower Delivery



During Delivery – Spin

Arrow Keys Fine Tune Aim
S Standard Delivery
D Effort Ball
W Flighted Delivery
A Bouncier Delivery



Fielding Controls

Arrow Keys Move Folder (manual movement)
Left Shift Set Aim to Wicket Keeper End
Left Ctrl Set Aim to Bowler’s End
Backspace Slide/Dive Fielder (manual movement)
Space Sprint (manual movement)
Tab Appeal
E Tap Back
S Throw to End
D Throw at Stumps
A Relay Throw
Arrow Keys Move Markers (catching/throwing)
S Confirm Catch


Apart from the subpar visuals that you’d expect from sports games (FIFA, NBA, etc. ), Cricket 2022 offers a good experience. With such precise controls, you can dominate the field more accurately than ever before. It’s the most advanced and modern-looking cricket game available, and the helpful tutorials (particularly in career mode) make it worth playing. Good luck, and hopefully, this guide will help you build the best team possible.


Cricket 22 Beginner’s Guide: Tips & Tricks


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