Crusader Kings 3 - Crime Guide - All Crimes & Requirements - Magic Game World

Crusader Kings 3 – Crime Guide – All Crimes & Requirements

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Crimes are actions that allow a character to imprison someone from their realm without incurring Tyranny and may be personal, familial, or religious.


  • Personal Crimes are caused by certain actions taken against a Ruler and allow only the said Ruler to imprison the criminal character.


  • Familial Crimes are caused by certain actions taken against a character and allow any Ruler from the same family to imprison the criminal character.


  • Religious Crimes are caused by traits that are considered Criminal by a Faith and allow any Ruler to imprison the criminal character.



All Crimes & Requirements

The following actions are crimes:


Crime Requirements Title Revocation Banishment Execution Type
Attempted Abduction Abduction scheme fails on the character X X X Personal
Elopment An Elope scheme succeeds on the character’s spouse X X X Personal
Blinded Me Blinded the character X X X Personal
Castrated Me Castrated the character X X X Personal
Known Kinslayer Character has a Kinslayer trait and faith has the Criminal kinslaying doctrine for its severity X X Religious
Known Adulterer Character has the Adulterer trait and faith has the Criminal adultery doctrine for its gender X X Religious
Known Cannibal Character has the Cannibal trait and faith does not have the Ritual Cannibalism tenet X X Religious
Denounced Character has the Denounced trait X X X Dynastic
Known Deviant Character has the Deviant trait and faith has the Criminal deviancy doctrine X X Religious
Excommunicated Character has the Excommunicated trait and faith has the Communion tenet Religious
Known Fornicator Character has the Fornicator trait and faith has the Criminal adultery doctrine for its gender X X Religious
Known Sodomite Character has the Sodomite trait and faith has the Criminal same-sex relations doctrine X X Religious
Known Witch Character has the Witch trait and faith has the Criminal witchcraft doctrine X X Religious
Revolted against Me Civil War ended in White Peace X X Personal
Botched My Treatment court physician’s risky treatment of liege failed X Personal
Botched Treatment of Kin court physician’s risky treatment of liege’s family member failed X Familial
Failed To Treat Me court physician’s safe treatment of liege failed X X X Personal
Failed To Treat Kin court physician’s safe treatment of liege’s family member failed X X X Familial
Declared War Declaring war upon the character X X Personal
Scheming Against Me Discovered as agent in a scheme against the character X X X Personal
Attempted Elopment Elope scheme fails on the character’s spouse X X X Personal
Unlawfully Executed Family Executed a family member of the character without a valid reason X Familial
Attempted Arrest Liege requests imprisonment and character refuses X X X Personal
Attempted To Murder Me Murder scheme fails no the character X Personal
Attempted To Murder Family Member Murder scheme fails on a member of the character’s family X Familial
Murdered Family Member Murder scheme fails secrecy on a member of the character’s family X Familial
Spying on Liege Spymaster fails the Find Secrets task on the Liege X X X Personal
Tortured Family Member Tortured a family member of the character X X X Familial
Tortured Me Tortured the character X X X Personal
Refused Imprisonment Vassal refuses Imprisonment and realm has High Crown Authority X X Personal
Refused Revocation Vassal refuses Title Revocation and realm has High Crown Authority X X Personal
Refused Retraction Vassal refuses Vassal Retraction and realm has High Crown Authority X X Personal



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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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