Crusader Kings 3 - Hooks Guide - How to Gain a Hook - Magic Game World

Crusader Kings 3 – Hooks Guide – How to Gain a Hook

Crusader Kings 3 - Hooks Guide - How to Gain a Hook

A Hook can be gained in various ways and is used to increase or force a character’s Acceptance of multiple things. Vassals who have a Hook on their Liege can use the Demand Council Position character interaction. Blackmail hooks are lost if the Secret they’re used with is exposed. A Hook can be Weak or Strong.


  • A Weak Hook can only be used once.


  • A Strong Hook can be used multiple times with a cooldown and prevents a character from taking hostile actions against the one holding the Hook. They can also be used to force a character to become an Agent in a Scheme.



Hooks Guide – How to Gain a Hook





Can be fabricated

Blackmail (Weak)  Weak Ten years Blackmail character interaction over a secret which is a shunned practice no
Favor  Weak Ten years Random events
Ransoming an imprisoned character for a favor
Negotiating to release an imprisoned character for a favor
House Head  Weak Permanent House Head over when a child is born no
Indebted  Weak Ten years Random events yes
Manipulation  Weak Ten years Random events yes
Threatened  Weak Ten years Random events yes
Blackmail (Strong)  Strong Permanent Blackmail character interaction over a secret which is a criminal practice no
Fabrication  Strong Ten years Fabricate a Hook scheme yes
Loyalty  Strong Permanent Random events yes
Threatened Life  Strong Ten years Fabricate a Hook scheme yes


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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