Cyberpunk 2077 PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
10 Dec 2020
PC Keyboard & Mouse commands and controls for Cyberpunk 2077. You can customize the key bindings in the options menu. Simply navigate to Options > Controls from the main menu of the game.
PC Controls & Key Bindings
- Pause Braindance (Toggle): Spacebar
- Fast-Forward Braindance: E
- Rewind Braindance: Q
- Change Braindance Layer: Left Shift
- Analysis Mode: Tab
- Restart Braindance: R
- Exit Braindance: X
- Zoom In: Mouse Wheel Up
- Zoom Out: Mouse Wheel Down
- Tag: Mouse Wheel Click
- Move Forward: W
- Back: S
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Jump: Spacebar
- Sprint (Hold): Right Shift
- Sprint (Toggle): Left Shift
- Crouch (Hold): Left Ctrl
- Crouch (Toggle): C
- Cycle Weapon: Alt
- Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up
- Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down
- Select First Weapon: 1
- Select Second: 2
- Third Weapon: 3
- Fists / Melee: 4
- Shoot: Left Click
- Aim: Right Click
- Quick Attack: Q
- Reload: R
- Cyberware Systems: E
- Use Combat Gadget: Mouse Wheel Click
- Use Consumable: X
- Scan (Hold): Tab
- Scan (Toggle): Caps Lock
- Open Phone: T
- Open Notifications: Z
- Skip Dialogue: C
- Open Photo Mode: N
- Previous Item: 1
- Next Item: 3
- Quickhack Details: Z
- Accelerate: W
- Brake: S
- Turn Right : D
- Turn Left: A
- Cycle Camera: Q
- Exit Vehicle: F
- Reverse Camera: Mouse Wheel Click
- Cycle Lights: Alt
- Handbrake: Spacebar
- Horn: Left Ctrl
- Radio: R
- Panzer: Primary Cannon: Left Click
- Panzer: Missile Launcher: Right Click
- Smokescreen: Left Ctrl
- Call Vehicle: V
Thanks for this.
I always prefer keyboard and mouse.
Thing is I’ve ginally got the game installed and the first screen wants me to press
what looks like a bracket but on its side lol! “To Continue” as in start the game.
Any ideas?
Have fun in Night City!
PS: In my message up above, I am describing the controller button to start a game….
So, I made a joke because there is no key like that on a keyboard.
Anyway, how does one get to the options menu, if the only way IN
is via a controller?
Again, thanks.