Dawn of Man – Natural Resources/Hunting Tips
Articles, Dawn of Man /
06 Mar 2019
Tips and Tricks
- Don’t worry about running out of ores or flint. Once you have underground mining, you will struggle to exhaust your natural flint supply.
- Once you unlock farming, you will begin to chop down a *lot* of trees. Make sure you have plenty of wood storage areas to stockpile the resource for later eras when your upgraded houses demand logs for fuel.
- Find a wooded area without food trees and an area that you don’t use for tannins, and set a massive wood-cutting work order on the whole area. Trees will grow back naturally and are completely renewable.
- Avoid sending out huge hunting parties just before Winter. On the way back, the season will have advanced, and your people will freeze to death.
- At the start/middle of the game, raw skins are a bottleneck. You will need to micromanage hunting parties (also useful for knowledge). Remember that you can double right-click to get people to run.
- Sticks are your starting bottlebecks. Set a limit of say 30 (make sure you have plenty of storage space – remember you start with storage hut available to build) with two people gathering from a large and abundant area.
- Tannins are easy to gather by children and worth 1 value in all eras. Set a limit of 30 for a useful tradeable item.
- Humans moving into forested areas seems to disrupt and discourage animals from being/spawning there. Try to focus your deforestation, tannins, and gathering in one big section, and leave another area for hunting.