Dead Rising 4 Locker and Safe Room Key Locations Guide - Magic Game World

Dead Rising 4 Locker and Safe Room Key Locations Guide

Dead Rising 4 Locker and Safe Room Key Locations Guide

Search the indicated location to find the corresponding locker or safe room key. Locker keys open locked shelves that usually contain a blueprint or rare items. Zom-B safe keys open hidden bunkers. Use alternate camera viewfinder modes to help locate the hidden safe rooms. After finding a key, the locker will appear on your map. After finding a Zom-B safe key, a blue circle will appear. Then, go to the area and search for a secret bunker entrance using the Spectrum Analyzer.



Locker and safe room key locations

Willamette Memorial Megaplex

El Mode Design Locker Key: It is found in the security office behind the front counter of the Virago Hotel in the Amazon Food Court.


Froztee’s Lockey Key: It is found on the raised circular bar platform in the center of the Amazon Food Court.


Pirate’s Cove Restaurant Locker Key: It is found on the second floor of the facade on the south-center wall of Caribbean Cove. Climb the curved stairs to find a body with the keys.


Virago Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the women’s restroom, just outside the front entrance to the Virago Hotel in the Amazon Food Court.


Charms of Desire Zom-B Safe Key: It is found just outside Albert’s Apparel, on the first floor near the west side of Caribbean Cove.


Baron Von Brathaus Locker Key: It is found under the dining table in the center of Burger Fiefdom in Medieval Town.


Cruz Tanning Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the floor next to the lounge chairs to the left of the Pirate’s Catch Restaurant.


Synthetic Cosmetics Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the back corner of Rhiannon Ferosh in the Miami Boardwalk area.


North Pole Town Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the Central Plaza, on Santa’s big chair in North Pole Village.


Komodo Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the kitchen, accessed by going through the Employee’s Only hallway behind Kuan’s Bubble Tea in Kiichiro Plaza.


Max Dymond Zom-B Safe Key: It is found down the hall, near the Poppers Toy Store. Check the open stall in the adjacent men’s restroom.


Manskape Stylists Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the roof of Burger Fiefdom in Medieval Town. To reach it, climb onto the awning from the Baron Von Brathaus stairs, and follow the path all the way around to the burger restaurant’s second floor.


B. Reddy Insurance Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the fountain near the elevators in Central Plaza.


White Rook Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the room with the Locations Vendor in the mall security room Emergency Shelter. This is also the room where you investigate Vick’s location in Case 1.


Obscuris Locker Key: It is found in the back-left of the military tent outside the front entrance from Central Plaza.


Security Keycard: It is found in the locked room in the Quarantine Zone, outside Central Plaza. Once you enter the investigation area with the corpses impaled in the statue, enter the small room to the right to find a desk covered with pictures. The card is on this desk.


Classy Jack’s Antiques Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the maintenance hallway near a survivor event, next to the open doors to Central Plaza. Search the maintenance hallway through the doors next to the North Pole Town Square Workshop.



Old Town

Willamette Taxi Co. Locker Key: It is found under the stairs in Cochrane’s Irish Pub.


City Hall Archives: It is found on the desk at the abandoned military gate, just up the street from the City Hall Archives entrance.


Willamette Gazette Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the Old Town Emergency Shelter, in the room to the left of the front entrance.


B Reddy Insurance Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the medical room to the right as you enter the Old Town Emergency Shelter.


Residential Apartment Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the table in the apartment above Dodd’s Drugs. To gain access, climb the fire escape behind the drug store in the alley, then climb through the third floor window.


Big Buck Hardware Key: It is found in the empty lot next to Big Buck’s Hardware.


Cochrane’s Irish Pub Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the second floor of Cochrane’s Irish Pub. This key unlocks the hidden bunker door in the basement.


Willamette Junkyard Locker Key: It is found on the military crate as you enter the area of the Junkyard guarded by Obscuris soldiers. It is part of the main mission in Case 1.


McKenzie Auto Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on a table in the center of McKenzie Auto. It is available after defeating the Flame Trooper at the end of Case 1 in the junkyard.


Bus Depot Zom-B Safe Key: It is found next to the dumpsters in the back corner of the Christmas Tree lot, near the Maniac battle arena.



West Ridge

Hunter Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the armory room to the left as you enter through the front doors of the West Ridge Emergency Shelter.


Gardner’s Locker Key: It is found in the bedroom at the Gardner’s House.


Patriot Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the garage in the West Ridge Emergency Shelter.


Mekanick Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the Mekanick’s garage.


Prawrp Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the living room filled with props at the Prawp’s House.


Quizeens Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the master bedroom at the Quizeens’ House, inside the larger closet on the second floor.


Hudson’s Dairy Farm Locker Key: It is found on the coffee table near the fireplace on the first floor of Tom’s House.


Kent Farm Zom-B Safe Key: It is found inside the fresh produce stand that is shuttered, across the street from Kent’s Farm.


Obadiah Cattle Farm Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the garage of the X-Mas Tree lot. Move the Antique Car to see it on the ground.


Booker Residence Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the second-floor bedroom of the Booker’s House in Mountain Ridge Estate (gated community).


Barnaby’s Lab Locker Key: It is found through the basement of Golden Apple Vineyards, on the desk near the window in the secret lab office.



North Peak

Willamette Hydroelectic Station Locker Key: It is found in the locker room, which is the first room you enter.


Gruff ‘n Tuff Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the garage of the North Peak Emergency Shelter.


Rockpile Liquor Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the food pantry of the North Peak Emergency Shelter.


Freebird’s Gun Shack Zom-B Safe Key: It is found in the armory of the North Peak Emergency Shelter.


Freebird’s Gun Shack Locker Key: It is found on the first-floor bar in the Glitter Dolls Nightclub.


Kippax Cement Locker Key: It is found on the front desk of McKenzie Auto.


McKenzie Auto Zom-B Safe Key: It is found on the tool cabinet inside the garage of McKenzie Auto.


McKenzie Auto Locker Key: It is found inside the Zom-B bunker at McKenzie Auto.


Sewer Tunnel System Locker Key: From the North Peak train tracks, enter the tunnel and find a broken door lit by a green floodlight. In the first room of the sewers is a dead body with the key.


Gruff n’ Tuff Motors Lockery Key: It is found inside the Tornado Convenience store.


Glitter Dolls Nightclub Zom-B Safe Key: It is found near the alley door, on the concrete area with the metal railings, just outside the Glitter Dolls Nightclub.


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