Dead Space 2 PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Dead Space 2 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Dead Space 2 PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Dead Space 2 is easily one of the best spooky space games out there, and it’s only getting more love over time. This quick guide will hook you up with all the PC settings and controls you need. Scroll down for a list of controls and a video showing all the game settings.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings

  • W: Move forward


  • S: Move back


  • A: Move left


  • D: Move right


  • Tab: RIG


  • E: Activate


  • Shift: Sprint


  • Mouse 1: Punch


  • Space: Foot stomp


  • Alt: Zero-g jump


  • Z: Zero-g align


  • B: Locator


  • Q: Quick health pack


  • C: Quick stasis


  • I: Inventory hotkey


  • J: Missions hotkey


  • L: Log database hotkey


  • F: Cancel (logs/menus)


  • Esc: Pause menu


  • Up arrow: Cursor up


  • Down arrow: Cursor down


  • Left arrow: Cursor left


  • Right arrow: Cursor right


  • KP 7: Tab left


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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