Death end re;Quest 2 PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
19 Aug 2020
Here is the list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Death end re;Quest 2. You can customize your settings in the Controls option under the Settings Menu. Access it from the main menu or in-game by pressing ESC.
General Controls
- Left mouse button: Go to the next dialogue entry
- Right mouse button: Toggle hide dialogue window
- Tab: Pause the replay (dialogue box hidden)
- Left Alt key: Pause the replay (dialogue box visible)
- 8 (numeric keypad): Toggle automatic mode (text continues automatically)
- 7 (numeric keypad): Fast forward (quickly skips text)
- 1 (numeric keypad): Skip the event
- Left Control: Show dialogue backlog
- N: Show menu (for saving)
- W: Move forward
- S: Move backward (also turns around)
- A: Move left
- D: Move right
- Spacebar: Jump
- M: Toggle dash (running)
- N: Open warp menu
- 4 (numeric keypad): Rotate camera left
- 6 (numeric keypad): Rotate camera right
- 8 (numeric keypad): Pan camera upwards
- 5 (numeric keypad): Pan camera downwards
- 3 (numeric keypad): Zoom in (can enter 1st person mode)
- 1 (numeric keypad): Zoom out
- Tab: Show map of area (use W, S, A, D to navigate the map)
- Escape: Open main menu
- Left mouse button: Perform action (mimics ‘A’ on controller)
- Right mouse button: Hold to pan the camera around
Main Menu Controls
- Left mouse button: Activate or select an option (mimics ‘A’ on controller)
- Left mouse button: Return to the previous section (mimics ‘B’ on controller)
- N: Opens episode chart (main overview)
Combat Controls
- W: Move forward
- S: Move backward (also turns around)
- A: Move left
- D: Move right
- M: Toggle “hold position” (prevents movement)
- 4 (numeric keypad): Rotate camera left
- 6 (numeric keypad): Rotate camera right
- 8 (numeric keypad): Pan camera upwards
- 5 (numeric keypad): Pan camera downwards
- 3 (numeric keypad): Zoom in (1st person mode unavailable)
- 1 (numeric keypad): Zoom out
- Escape: Open command select menu
- Left Control: Same as Escape
- Backspace: Cancel selected option (mimics ‘B’ on controller)
- ;: End turn (mimics ‘RB’ on controller)
- Tab: Escape battle
- Left Alt: Pause combat
- Left mouse button: Perform action (mimics ‘A’ on controller)
- Right mouse button: Hold to pan the camera around