Death Road to Canada Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

Death Road to Canada Cheat Codes

Death Road to Canada Cheat Codes

Developer Console

Here are instructions on how to access the Developer Console.


1. Open up boot.df


2. Look for this line at the top

: debugcheck DEBUG_BUILD console! ; debugcheck


3. Type this line right under it

1 console!


4. Save boot.df and start up the game.


5. Press ` or ~ tilde (The Key Above TAB)



Console Commands & Cheat Codes

Where can I find the list of console commands?

‘ words ‘ in the console gives a bunch

‘ vl ‘ and then a word to search for that word




Dump weapons.



WEAPON_FOO pchar .weapona!

X LOOT_FOO pchar .lootamt!

(LOOT_X, pistol is just bullet)



foo .drift

Spawn in the middle of the room, only works with defined weapons. (thing/don/kepa)



regiondef{ traderhere }

Spawn a trader



regiondef{ traderinside }

Spawn a trader in the center of the room.



road{ foo }

General event summon, usable with e.g. special characters or common events



road{ tradeevent }

Start a trade camp event

(you can call this in script too)



road{ X to road-trip-days }

Set road trip days



road{ 15 to road-trip-days tradeevent }

Final camp



roomgen{ X .zombspawn }

Spawn X zombies



vl zomb, vl skel

Dump something?



char-gen to recruitee recruited

Quick road recruit



X trunk-foo+

Add to trunk



X LOOT_FOO pchar .lootamt!

Add to character


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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