Din's Legacy Cheats - Magic Game World

Din’s Legacy Cheats

Din's Legacy Cheats

Unlimited Epic/Legendary Armor and Weapons

  • To perform this, you will need to edit the following file:


The file to edit is within Assets004.zip

Assetts004.zip can be found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Din’s Legacy\Assets\


  • Begin by opening Assets004.zip and extracting it to a new folder. Call the new folder what ever you like.


  • You now need to open the Database directory, you are looking for the file that is named Chests.gbd

Open Chests.gbd with any editor, I use Notepad++


  • Next, you need to search for ChestWeaponStand


Here are the changes I made to ChestWeaponStand:

Base ChestBase

Name $$WeaponStand$$

ModelName Chests/weaponStand.mdl
OverrideModelName 1

ItemChance 1.0
MinItems 1
MaxItems 75
ExtraMoney 5000000
IncreasedMagicChance 5000
WeaponOnly 1

SpawnChance 5000.0
BasicKeyChance 0.0
CanAttack 0

TimedAction OpeningObject


  • Make the changes as above.


  • Next perform a search for ChestArmorStand


Here are the changes to ChestArmorStand:


Base ChestBase

Name $$ArmorStand$$

ModelName Chests/armorStand.mdl
OverrideModelName 1

ItemChance 1.0
MinItems 1
MaxItems 75
ExtraMoney 5000000
IncreasedMagicChance 5000
ArmorOnly 1

SpawnChance 5000.0
BasicKeyChance 0.0
CanAttack 0

AnyDirection 0
InitDirection East
InitDirection SouthEast
InitDirection South

TimedAction OpeningObject


  • Save your changes with Notepad++ or which ever editor you are using.


  • Next, Exit Notepad++


  • Next, Go back to the folder that you extracted the files and folders of Assetts004.zip


  • Next, do a Ctrl-A, this should highlight all of the files and folders in where ever you extracted the contents of Assetts004.zip, Next Right click anywhere with everything highlighted and if for example you are using 7zip, you can select add to archive which should re-zip all the files and folders. Name the file Assetts004.zip


  • Next got back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Din’s Legacy\Assets directory. Copy the file named Assetts004.zip, place it in a new folder, example name the folder Assetts04 backup. Paste the original copy of Assetts004.zip inside this folder.


  • Next Delete Assetts004.zip in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Din’s Legacy\Assets


  • Next, Go to where you saved your new edited Assetts004.zip. Copy and paste it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Din’s Legacy\Assets


  • Next, Load up the game:


  • You must be level 2 for any legendary or epic loot to drop. Once you are level 2 or higher, you can begin clicking on the armor stand or the weapon stand. When you do, 75 items will drop. Many will be legendary or epic. some will be rare yellow items.


  • Now you are ready to perform some real tests.


  • Want more gear? Create a new instance and click more stands. This edit does not affect any other loot-able content, IE. Other chests or loot from mobs, bosses, etc.


  • If and when you want to change this back, all you have to do is go get your original backed up Assetts004.zip and add it back into

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Din’s Legacy\Assets


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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