Dishonored 2 - Corvo's Powers Guide - Magic Game World

Dishonored 2 – Corvo’s Powers Guide

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1-) Blink

The Power called Blink is one of Corvo’s Powers – in which you instantly travel a small distance. Corvo’s teleportation power is back, but with a few new applications to make it more dynamic.


Mana Cost: Low


Blink allows you to move very fast without being seen – making it useful for infiltration as you can Blink from one hiding spot to the next – or even traverse rooftops when combined with jumping.


Blink can also be used in combat by being chained together with assassinations or choking out if used to appear behind unaware enemies. Blink can also be used through glass – breaking it in the process. Note that Blink can also be used to gain height – but only slightly.




Blink has 3 purchasable upgrades.




Use: Extends the range of Blink.




Use: Time stops if you aren’t moving while aiming Blink.




Use: Throw enemies to the ground by attacking as Blink ends.



2-) Bend Time

The Power called Bend Time is one of Corvo’s Powers – a returning power granted by the Outsider first to Daud and then Corvo in Dishonored.


Mana Cost: Medium


The Power of Bend Time allows you at first to slow time down significantly and, upon the next rank of Bend Time, completely stops time. This can be very helpful when you need to be stealthy or when you want to take out multiple enemies at the same time. This can also be used defensively, as projectiles are also slowed or even stopped mid-air, letting you evade, redirect, or even collect them.


Note that any object touched in Bend Time will be pulled into your time and will move faster briefly.




There are three upgrades for Bend Time.




Use: Stops time fully for a short duration. Time can be advanced slowly using the indicated button.

Cost: 6 Runes




Use: Move faster, relative to time when it is slowed.

Cost: 1 Rune




Use: Extend duration of Bend Time.



3-) Dark Vision

The Power called Dark Vision is one of Corvo’s Powers as well as Emily’s Powers – a returning power granted by the Outsider to Corvo, and now to Emily.


Rune Cost: 2


Mana Cost: Low


Unlike the previous game, Dark Vision will look very different than its previous iteration, based less on a sort of night vision.


Now when you activate Dark Vision, it sends out three pulses eight seconds apart. When you move the next pulse happens from your new location, and the spheres per pulse can overlap. These pulses show the directional facing and view cones of your enemies, and allow you to see through walls. Dark Vision also lets you see a representation of the noise you make in order to determine enemy awareness.




There are two upgrades for Dark Vision




Use: Able to see and highlight objects and security systems through walls.

Cost: 3 Runes




Use: Visualize enemy routes and their current destination.



4-) Devouring Swarm

The Power called Devouring Swarm is one of Corvo’s Powers – a returning power granted by the Outsider to Corvo.


Rune Cost: 4


Mana Cost: Medium


While the new area you journey to – Karnaca – isn’t suffering from a plague like Dunwall was in Dishonored, Corvo still preserves his ability to summon packs of rats onto enemies. The swarm will attack any nearby enemies – and can usually overpower one or two humans easily enough. The swarm will consume bodies completely, leaving no messy cleanup after a kill. This ties into a different sort of plague in Karnaca – bloodflies – that will lay eggs in corpses and fight against rats.


You can also use rats to get rid of unwanted corpses – or even possess one of the rats that are summoned.




There are three upgrades for Devouring Swarm.




Use: Increases the size of the Rat Swarm

Cost: 2 Runes




Use: Summoned Rat Swarms now follow you around.

Cost: 2 Runes




Use: Summons two smaller swarms to act and attack independently of each other.

Cost: 3 Runes



5-) Possession

The Power called Possession is one of Corvo’s Powers – a returning power granted by the Outsider to Corvo. This ability allowed Corvo to possess animals and eventually humans in Dishonored.


Rune Cost: 4


Mana Cost: Medium


A very powerful tool, Possession allows you to merge with another living creature for a short period of time – but you must have an unobstructed view of your target.


Depending on what you possess you have different options for stealth and infiltration. Possessing rats allows you to move relatively unseen along floors and through grates – but beware of stomping humans. Fish will let you swim through the waters and through pipes for new aquatic areas. Possessing hounds let you move faster than you normally would with faster sprints – while humans let you pass as the enemy.




There are four upgrades for Possession.




Use: Allows you to transition between possession hosts.

Cost: 3 Runes




Use: Occupy a recently deceased or unconscious human host without being noticed

Cost: 1 Rune




Use: Extends Possession Duration.

Cost: 1 Rune




Use: Allows the control of a human host.

Cost: 4 Runes



6-) Windblast

The Power called Windblast is one of Corvo’s Powers – returning from the first game, and allows you to fire a burst of energy to knockback enemies and destroy targets.


Mana Cost: Low


Windblast is an offensive skill that can be used in a variety of ways. It is best used to disrupt and off-balance groups of attackers giving you the advantage to press the attack – and can even toss enemies over railings. The power can also be used to shatter doors and unwanted debris – and will even deflect slower projectiles like grenades if timed properly.




There are two upgrades for Windblast.




Use: Summons a more powerful wind that can kill enemies thrown into walls and deflect projectiles easier.

Cost: 3 Runes




Use: Releases a secondary blast of wind in a short radius around you.

Cost: 3 Runes


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