Dishonored 2 - Runes Location Guide - Magic Game World

Dishonored 2 – Runes Location Guide

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Below is the location of all Runes in Dishonored 2.



-=Mission 1: A Long Day in Dunwall

No Runes



-=Mission 2: Edge of the World

* Look inside Whale corpse at the start of mission.


* Buy one from Black Market in Town.


* Check Overseer Building. You will find a safe on the 3rd floor. Safe combination is 225. Or else you can check on the book and note on the table for hint.


* Last one is in the Outsider Shrine, located on a short building before reaching the canal.



-=Mission 3: The Good Doctor

* Reach the dining hall and towards left near table you can find one.


* Use Blink or Far Reach on the 4th Floor of Building to reach near a window that has a Rune inside.


* Destroy Bloody nest in Recuperation Room to get Rune.


* Another one is located in the basement of the elevator. You have to use Blink or Far Reach to get there.


* The last one can be found in Outsider Shrine located on the 4th Floor alley. Use your heart.



-=Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion

* Check for damage furniture behind the Carriage Station.


* Buy one from the Black Market in the area. You can also steal.


* Get in the Bloodfly building in Upper Aventa.


* You can get one Rune in Jindosh’s Lab, after using console. Look for the anatomy module.


* In the main area of the district look for the place which is heavily guarded, then look on the civilians left side for a building. You can get a rune in Outsiders Shrine on the 3rd floor.



-=Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory

* There is a black market in the left part of Town.


* Go in the second floor of Conservatory for next one.


* On the roof of Ashworth’s office you can get a rune guarded by creepy dogs.


* One is in the Archives, you can find a key in the basement. Use that to find a rune near Stairs and elevators.


* An outsider’s shrine is located in the area. You have to reach the top of building and disable traps.



-=Mission 6: The Dust District

* The first one is in the locker in building behind you after you meet Captain Foster and get on the street.


* Look for an old building in Dust District, reach the second-floor balcony.


* Another one is in evidence room locked in Overseer Building. You can get the key from Overseers.


* An outsider’s shrine is located in an office on 3rd floor of Hand Saloon.



-=Mission 7: Crack in the Slab

* Cross steps and reaches at the top of Mansion 2nd floor.


* The second one is bit tricky. You have to use Valve’s wheel here. First throw it towards the hole in the wall and then switch to present. Jump ahead and get the wheel. Now enter the room filled with water, use the valve to drain it and there you will find a Rune.


* The last one is in the right part of mansion. Find the window that has some documents on it. You have to first go in past and kill workers. Later you have to come back in the present, and climb to reach a broken window on top. Again go in past first kill the soldiers. At last you will get the Rune.



-=Mission 8:The Grand Palace

* Look for a building with a windmill, a Rune is in the bathroom. You can enter from the roof.


* Another one is located in a storage area, you can go through the garden side and use your hide to locate Rune.


* After leaving the black market look towards right for rocks. Then go ahead to find some boards. Break them and you will find a cave with Outsiders Shrine.



-=Mission 9: Death to the Empress

* The final one can be bought from the Black Market.


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