Dishonored – Definitive Edition Controls Guide (PC & Xbox)
Articles, Dishonored, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
02 Jan 2024
Struggling with Dishonored – Definitive Edition? This guide has everything you need to know about PC keyboard and Xbox gamepad controls. We’ve also included a video tutorial that walks you through all the PC settings for the game.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings
- Move Forward: W
- Move Backward: S
- Strafe Left: A
- Strafe Right: D
- Jump: Space Bar
- Sneak: C
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Lean Left: Q
- Lean Right: E
- Use: F
- Sword Attack: Left Mouse Button
- Power/Gadget: Right Mouse Button
- Block/Choke: Left Control
- Zoom: Left Alt
- Quick-access Wheel: Middle Mouse Button
- Next Shortcut Item: Mouse Scroll Up
- Previous Shortcut Item: Mouse Scroll Down
- Health Elixir: R
- Journal: J
- Mana Elixir: T
- Quick Save: F5
- Quick Load: F9
- Shortcut 1: One
- Shortcut 2: Two
- Shortcut 3: Three
- Shortcut 4: Four
- Shortcut 5: Five
- Shortcut 6: Six
- Shortcut 7: Seven
- Shortcut 8: Eight
- Shortcut 9: Nine
- Shortcut 10: Zero
Xbox Gamepad Controls (Type A)