Does Durability Affect High-Level Saddles in Ark: Survival Ascended - Magic Game World

Does Durability Affect High-Level Saddles in Ark: Survival Ascended

Does Durability Affect High-Level Saddles in Ark: Survival Ascended

In ARK, saddles ain’t just fancy seats for your dino rides; they’re your front line of defense when things get wild. Now, in the earlier version, ARK: Survival Evolved, saddle durability was kinda like a secret menu item – it was there, but you couldn’t see it. Fast forward to ARK: Survival Ascended, & bam – durability’s right there in your face.



Does Durability Even Matter?

Here’s the million-dollar question; does saddle durability actually do anything?? Short answer -> Not really. Long answer -> Let me break it down for you…



Test Time – Rex vs. Giganotosaurus

Imagine you got a Rex & a Giganotosaurus in a bit of a tiff. If your Rex is rocking a saddle with zero durability, you’d think it’s curtains for Mr. Rex, right? Wrong. Turns out, the amount of whoopin’ your dino can dish out and take doesn’t really hinge on that durability number.



Damage Reduction??

Okay -> so you slap a saddle on your dino & you notice the durability ticking down as it gets chomped on; panic mode?? Nah… Even if that number goes from 100 to say, 94, the armor’s still doing its job just fine. A saddle with 314 armor & zero durability? Still a tank.



So Why Bother with Durability?

Good question… The thing is, durability in saddles is more about looks than function. It’s like wearing ripped jeans – they’re still jeans, just with more… character. Whether your saddle is brand spankin’ new or hanging by a thread, it’s all good in the ARK hood.



The Verdict

If you’re losing sleep over your saddles’ durability numbers dropping faster than a Spino in a tar pit, you can chill. It’s pretty much all show & no go. Durability doesn’t dictate the armor value so your dino’s backside is still well-protected, no matter what.



To Repair or Not to Repair

Got a saddle that’s seen better days? Repairing it’s more about keeping up appearances than anything else; if you’re cool with your gear looking like it’s been through the wringer then save those resources for something else.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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