Dominions 6: Basic Unit Attributes - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: Basic Unit Attributes

Dominions 6: Basic Unit Attributes

Every unit in Dominions 6 – Rise of the Pantokrator comes with its own unique set of attributes that set it apart from the rest. From strength to size and everything in between, these traits define how each unit performs on the battlefield. Here’s a detailed look at all of them, so you can master the art of war in this epic game:



Unit Attributes in Dominions 6

Hit Points (HP)

We all know what this is… It’s your unit’s health bar. More HP? Longer survival in battle.




Size is a game-changer: it limits how many units can fit in a single square on the battlefield – that’s a max of 10 points per square… But there’s more: it also impacts how much food (or supplies) your units need each turn. The formula? Units consume their size minus 2 in supplies monthly. Small units, like size 1-2, only need half a supply each month and those size 0 units don’t eat at all! Animal units eat half as much, & remember, in cavalry units, both the rider & horse need supplies.




Strength is about the damage a unit can deal when it hits. It’s also crucial for breaking free from traps like entanglement.




This stat shows the likelihood of your unit successfully striking a target with melee weapons. The higher the attack, the better the odds.




Defense measures a unit’s ability to evade melee attacks. High defense means your unit is slick at sidestepping those blows.




Protection refers to the unit’s armor rating… It can vary for different body parts based on the gear or the unit’s natural skin. Click on Protection to see separate values.




Morale is all about a unit’s willingness to stay in the fight. High morale means less chance of them fleeing.



Magic Resistance

Think of this as Defense against magic. Not all spells have to penetrate Magic Resistance, though.




This is about how accurate a unit is with missiles or magic… High precision means they’re less likely to miss their mark.




Units gain Fatigue equal to their Encumbrance every turn they attack. However, just moving around doesn’t increase this.



Map Move

This tells you how far a unit can move on the world map, subject to movement costs.



Combat Speed

This determines how quickly a unit can move in combat. Faster units can maneuver into position more efficiently.




High Fatigue makes units more susceptible to critical hits… At 100 fatigue, a unit becomes unconscious & at 200 fatigue, they start taking real damage instead of just getting more tired.




Here’s the deal with age: the first number is the unit’s current age; the number in parentheses is when they start to decline. Old age brings penalties & affliction risks. Max age is influenced by magic like this:


  • Undead creatures get 50% more per point of Death magic


  • Inanimate ones gain 50% per point of Earth magic


  • Demons get 50% more per point of Blood magic


  • Normal units get a boost of 50% per point of Nature magic


  • Nature-affected units see their max age reduced by 5% per point of Fire magic



Leadership (For Commanders Only)

Commanders play a crucial role, & here’s how their leadership works:


  • Regular Leadership: This is how many units a commander can lead.


  • Undead Leadership: Similar to regular, but for undead units. Mages can lead more undead based on their level of Death or Blood magic skills.


  • Magical Leadership: This one’s for magical beings. It’s determined by indirect magic bonuses.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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