Dominions 6: How Province Defense Works - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: How Province Defense Works

Dominions 6: How Province Defense Works

Province defense (PD) is like a guard for your province without needing a whole army there. You gotta buy defense, and it costs the same as the new defense level you’re aiming for. You get the first level of province defense free, but after that, you need to shell out gold equal to the level you’re buying; like buying the second level costs 2 gold & the tenth costs 10 (to hit 10, you gotta buy all the levels in between too, so a PD of 10 ends up costing 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 54)


  • At defense level 1, you get a commander & some troops. Each extra level gives you more troops, which you’ll see as you up your province defense. The max level is 100. At level 20, you score some new commanders and troops. For every 10 points in PD, you cut down unrest in that province by 1 point every turn; so 53 points in PD drops unrest by 5 each turn…


  • Starting at level 15, your PD might spot sneaky units in the area. Every PD point over 15 adds one to your patrolling strength, meaning a PD level of 25 gives you a patrol strength of 11. That’s pretty much equal to the same number of patrolling infantry units.


  • A province can only keep up its PD if it’s got enough people. For each PD point, there needs to be 10 points of population. If not, your PD drops at the end of the turn. This is the only way PD goes down, unless your province is taken over (which erases all PD) or given up (in disciple games), which cuts your PD by 25%. Once you’ve built your PD, you can’t lower it later; the down arrow won’t work then…


  • Certain undead nations (like Ermor – Ashen Empire) can keep PD without needing people. In provinces without a fort, they’ll have 1 point of PD (usually just a single undead commander), but in places with a fort, they can ramp up to 100 PD (with undead soldiers & all).


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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