Dominions 6: Morale System Explained - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: Morale System Explained

Dominions 6: Morale System Explained

So morale – it’s the backbone of your army… think of it as the fighting spirit of your troops. Every unit has its own morale value, but here’s the twist: it’s the squad’s overall morale that counts when things get hot. This number is like an average of all your unit’s morale scores, easy peasy.



Boosting That Morale – The Tricks of the Trade

Okay, let’s get to the good stuff – boosting morale. There are a bunch of ways to pump up those numbers:


  • Feeling at Home: Fighting in familiar territory? That’s a morale booster right there. Whether it’s your home province or friendly dominion, your troops get a cool +1. It’s like having the crowd cheering for ya.


  • Leader’s Charm: The commander’s leadership can seriously amp up your squad’s morale. This bonus gets tricky with factors like formation & how many squads the commander’s juggling…


  • Inspirational Leaders: If your commander’s got the Inspirational ability, that’s gonna impact morale too – it can be a plus or a minus, so choose your leaders wisely.


  • Standard Bearers for the Win: Got someone carrying the flag with the Standard ability? They’re not just there for the looks – they bring in a bonus that can really make a difference.



Magic and Morale – The Wildcards

Magic in Dominions 6 isn’t just about flashy spells & destruction… it plays a huge role in morale too:


  • Magic effects can tweak a unit’s morale from -10 to +1… Fear-inducing spells & units can lower morale, while priests can up the ante with spells like Sermon of Courage & Fanaticism.


  • Here’s something cool – a negative morale magic bonus will slowly improve every 2 rounds or so. A positive bonus?? That sticks around for the whole battle if you leave it be.



Making the Morale Check

Now for the real test – the morale check. It’s a face-off between two numbers: the morale roll & the fear roll. If fear takes the upper hand, your squad’s gonna hit the road. If not, they stand their ground.


  • Morale Roll: This one’s a mix of your squad’s morale, a dice roll (DRN), & the survivor bonus – depends on how many from your original crew are still up & fighting.


  • Fear Roll: Starts at 14, add the DRN, & there you have it.


The survivor bonus is all about how many of your squad are still kicking. Full squad? That’s a nice bonus. Only a handful left? Tough luck, no bonus for you…


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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