Dominions 6: Rout Mechanics Explained - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: Rout Mechanics Explained

Dominions 6: Rout Mechanics

What’s Rout & Why Does It Happen??

Rout is basically your units deciding they’ve had enough & bolting from the battlefield. It’s a crucial part of the game’s strategy, reflecting the chaos & morale swings of real battles.



Squad Morale Checks: The Triggers

Squads will test their nerve under a few key conditions:


  • Heavy losses – this means 20% or more casualties since their last morale check.


  • Reduced numbers – if there are only four or fewer units left & at least one got hit in the current round.


  • Nearby monsters causing fear, such as Abominations.


  • Being hit by a fear spell (but not the Frighten spells).



Heavy Losses: What Counts??

In the heat of battle, not every hit counts as a heavy loss. It’s calculated as one wound per two members of the squad; a wound is defined as damage reducing a unit to 80% or less of its usual hit points.



The Bigger Picture: Army Rout

It’s not just about individual squads. When your entire army takes a beating to the tune of 75% total hit points lost, it’s an automatic rout. But here’s the kicker: different units contribute differently to the army’s HP tally. Mounts & Province Defence units only add 25% of their HP, & slaves count for 50%.



Morale Checks: The Inside Story

When it comes down to morale checks, it’s a battle between two rolls – the morale roll & the fear roll. If fear wins, your squad is hitting the road. The morale roll is a mix of the squad’s morale, a random dice number (DRN), & a survivor bonus… The more squad members alive, the higher the bonus.



Rout Aftermath

Once a unit routs, it’s all about getting out of Dodge. They’ll use all action points to flee towards their side of the battlefield, suffering a -4 penalty to defense in their haste. Escape the map & they’re safe, but if they retreat into enemy territory – that’s a wrap for them.



Special Units: Mindless, Magic, & Undead

Here’s where it gets tricky. Mindless units need commanders to stick around – no commander, high chance of them just vanishing. Magic beings & undead? They require specific leadership or face the risk of routing too.



Magic Fear Effects: Fear vs Frighten

In the realm of magic, fear effects are a big deal. ‘Fear’ is the heavy-hitter, dropping morale & forcing morale checks. ‘Frighten’ is the less intimidating cousin, reducing morale without triggering automatic checks.



Twilight & Long Battles

When battles drag on, the game shifts into Twilight mode… This changes the dynamics, affecting spells & enchantments. Key moments include Twilight (turn 100) & Nightfall/Daybreak (around turn 150) where different effects kick in, altering the battlefield conditions.



Berserkers: The Fearless Fighters

Berserkers are your wild cards. Once wounded, if they pass a morale check, they go berserk & fight without the fear of death. These units are immune to rout – they fight till their last breath.



Fear Effect & Monsters

Monsters wielding the Fear effect can significantly alter enemy morale. They force morale checks within their area of effect, with the strength & range of Fear varying depending on the monster.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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