Dominions 6: Squads - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: Squads

Dominions 6: Squads

Squads are your go-to for organizing combat. You can have anywhere from one unit up to the max allowed by your commander’s leadership. But here’s the thing: a commander can’t lead more than their limit, no matter how you organize the squads.


Commanders can handle up to five squads. But, if you’re pushing the limits of their leadership, you might see some squads taking a morale hit. So, the max squads you can have in an army? It’s five times your number of commanders.


Also, some units are pretty specific. They need commanders with special skills, like undead leadership for the creepy undead and demons, or magical leadership for those magical beings. And if you’ve got units that are both undead and magical? They’ll need undead leadership.


In the Army Setup screen, you’ll see all your commanders on the far left. They’ve got their icons, and next to that, you’ll find their placement window, their name, and squad info. Their squads are laid out right below them, with a battle placement box, a count of their units, and the Set Battle Orders menu.


Adding a unit to a squad is easy in Dominions 6… just click on the unit then click on the squad box if you want to add it to an existing squad or on the commander’s icon if you’re starting a new squad. New squads will show up in a new box under the commander. And if a commander’s starting from scratch, just click on a unit and then on the commander. Remember, units are added up to the commander’s Leadership value.


The limits on unit and squad numbers are shown on the far right of the Army Setup screen. And here’s a tip: use selection shortcuts… double-click to select all units of the same type. Shift+click to select multiple units. Hover over a squad and hit ‘w’ to select all units with afflictions, or ‘e’ for units with 2+ experience stars. Hit ‘Enter’ to deselect units. And if you’re ever confused, hit ? to see all the keyboard shortcuts.


This way, you can sort your units, like moving slower ones out so your squads don’t get gaps during movement… you can also create elite squads with experienced troops for a morale boost over other squad types.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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