Dominions 6: Unit Hit Locations & Their Probabilities - Magic Game World

Dominions 6: Unit Hit Locations & Their Probabilities

Dominions 6: Unit Hit Locations & Their Probabilities

In Dominions 6, each attack your units make targets different parts of an enemy’s body & each part’s got a specific chance of getting hit. Getting the hang of these odds? key to mastering the game’s combat:


  • Torso: This is the spot your units are most likely to hit, with a 50% chance.


  • Arms & Legs: Each limb’s got a 20% chance of being struck so there’s a 40% chance your units will hit one of these…


  • Head: It’s tough to target, with only a 10% chance but a successful hit here can be a game-changer.



What Happens When Your Units Hit Different Parts??

  • Losing a Limb: If your unit hits an arm or leg, it might just chop it off…


  • Head Hits: A blow to the head from your unit can often be deadly, but for some creatures like undead, regenerating monsters, or ones with multiple heads, a head hit doesn’t always spell instant death.


  • Eye Injury: This one’s exclusive to head hits.



How Your Units Aim for Different Parts

To hit a specific part, your unit’s size & weapon length need to match or be greater than the target’s size.


  • Hitting the Torso: Your unit needs to be just one size smaller than the target.


  • Hitting the Arms: Your unit needs to be two sizes smaller than the target.


For example, a human (size 3) with a mace (length 1) can only reach a creature of size 7 in the legs.



Special Cases for Your Units

  • Low-Set Heads: Creatures like lizards & dragons have heads that are easier to hit than what their size might suggest.


  • Four-Legged Creatures: Animals like elephants & wolves are lower to the ground compared to humanoids, making it easier for your units to reach them but not necessarily easier to hit their heads.



Size Differences in Combat

When your units face something much larger or smaller, the chances of where they hit change… if the opponent is two sizes larger, your units have a better chance (20%) of hitting the head but a lower chance (10%) of hitting the legs.



Unique Monsters

Some creatures, like armless dragons or gelatinous cubes, don’t have the usual body parts. Your units will need different tactics for these guys.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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