DOOM (1993) Controls Guide (PC & Xbox) - Magic Game World

DOOM (1993) Controls Guide (PC & Xbox)

DOOM (1993) Controls Guide (PC & Xbox)

Check out this quick and easy guide for all the default PC keyboard & Xbox gamepad controls for DOOM (1993). Please note: you can totally tweak these controls in the settings to fit your style. This guide just lays out the default setup for easy reference.


We also dropped a video that covers game settings like graphics, audio, & display options. For more deets, watch the vid and dive into the settings yourself:



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard & Xbox Gamepad Controls


Action Keyboard & Mouse Controller
Fire Left Mouse Button Right Trigger
Sprint Left Shift Left Trigger
Strafe Left Stick X
Right D
Left A
Move Left Stick Y
Forwards W
Backwards S
Minimap TAB Y
Previous Weapon Q or Mouse Wheel Down Left Shoulder
Next Weapon E or Mouse Wheel Up Right Shoulder
Use Space A
Aim Mouse Horizontal Right Stick X



Weapon Selection

Weapon Keyboard Controller
Weapon 1 1
Weapon 2 2
Weapon 3 3 D-pad Up
Weapon 4 4 D-pad Right
Weapon 5 5 D-pad Down
Weapon 6 6 D-pad Left
Weapon 7 7
Weapon 8 8



Additional Controls

Action Keyboard Controller
Map Zoom In = D-Pad Up
Map Zoom Out D-Pad Down
Quick Save F5 Right Shoulder
Quick Load F9 Left Shoulder


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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