DOOM 3: BFG Edition PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Doom, Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
25 Jun 2021
Here’s a simple enough guide to the keyboard controls and keybindings for DOOM 3: BFG Edition on PC. We’ve also made a video that walks you through the game settings; covering everything from graphics to audio and display options. For more deets, make sure to watch the vid and explore the settings yourself.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings
Controls – Movement
- Forward: W, UPARROW
- Backpedal: S, DOWNARROW
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Turn Left: LEFTARROW
- Turn Right: RIGHTARROW
- Look Up: PGDN
- Look Down: DEL
- Sprint: LSHIFT
- Crouch: C
Controls – Attack/Look
- Attack: LCTRL, MOUSE1
Controls – Weapons
- Next Weapon: MWHEELDOWN
- Prev. Weapon: MWHEELUP
- Reload: R
- Use: E
- Melee/Grabber: 1
- Pistol: 2
- Shotgun/Dbl: 3
- Machinegun: 4
- Chaingun: 5
- Grenade: 6
- Plasmagun: 7
- Rockets: 8
- BFG: 9
- Soulcube/Artifact: Q
- Flashlight: F
Controls – Other
- Quick Save: F5
- Quick Load: F9
- Screenshot: F12