Dota Underlords – Important Questions and Answers
Important Questions and Answers
Q: Do global items (like Strange Bedfellows) stack?
A: Yes. All the globals stack but some of them are useless stacked do to how they function. Final Flash because the multiple resets would happen at the same time. Fall From Grace just converts humans to heartless twice. Recruiter sets the first reroll to 0 twice.
Q: How do Druids work in Underlords?
A: You put your Druids onto the board and during the battle some of the lowest star ones will be upgraded and then return to their original star at the end of the battle.
Q: Do units come from a shared pool?
A: Yes. When someone buys a unit it’s removed from the pool, making it less likely for someone else to find it. When sold or when you lose all your pieces go back into the pool.
Q: How do I play ranked?
A: It’s the default queue for now, which I believe will change to a separate queue some time.
Q: How does ranking work?
A: In Upstart finishing a game 6th or above will result in a win and you’ll gain credit towards your rank. Above Upstart this is instead 4th and above. You may not always get a rank up after a match due to only finishing above lower ranked players.
Q: Can I derank?
A: You can derank in number for not in tier. For example, if you’re Outlaw 4 you can derank down to Outlaw 1 but not below.
Q: When should I lock?
A: Round 1 when there’s 3 of one unit or when you roll your gold away but end up with units you do not have enough gold to buy.
Q: When should I roll early?
A: Never. Don’t you dare. Take your hand away from the R key right now.
Q: How to get gold?
A: a.5 basic gold a round automatically.
b.1 gold for beating your opponent this round, extra gold for win streak or lose streak, up to 3.
c.10% interest of your current gold a round.
d.x gold refund when a x level chess recycled.
e.Max amount of gold is 100.
Q: Why 2 enchantress cannot combine automatically?
A: Only 2 different kind of druids and trigger the combo, so you need another druid in battleground, such as treantprotector.
Q: How to get back items on chesses?
A: Items will be dropped when chess recycled, you have to sacrifice for the getting back.
Q: How to put more chesses on the battleground?
A: Max amount is equal to your chess player’s level, buy exp book with gold to upgrade your chess player.
Q: How can I call out the shopping panel each round?
A: Click the 5-chess icon on topbar to call it or press the hotkey space.
Q: Can I know more details about chess pool?
A: A certain amount of chesses are put into a public pool at the start due to amount of chess players. All players draw from the public pool and once a chess is picked by a player it will be removed from the pool until recycled or death of its owner. Players have lower chance to have what you want if others already have it and higher chance if the chess is not popular.
Q: How to get a ranking instead of unknown?
A: Finish 5 valid games with others can settle your ranking, rankings will upgrade with more games. The ranking from lowest to highest if Pawn-Knight-Bishop-Castle-King-Queen.
Q: How to get pretty chess players and candies?
A: You can beat more opponents to get candies (Up to 10 a day) and play the RandomCallMachine to get pretty chess players.