DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO – PlayStation & Xbox Controls
We previously covered the default controls for DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO on PC, so here come those for PlayStation and Xbox. Note that this covers the standard scheme and not classic. So be sure to bookmark this page for quick reference in case you need to jog your memory!
Xbox Controller Bindings
Movement and Basic Actions:
Ascend/Jump: LB
Descend: LT
Ki Charge: RT
Guard: RB
Revenge Counter: RS
Melee: X
Ki Blast/Rush Chain: Y
Super Perception: B
Short Dash/Step: A
Skills and Transformation/Fusion:
Skill 1: D-pad Up/Down
Skill 2: D-pad Left/Right
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel: D-pad Up
Transformation/Fusion Panel 1: X
Transformation/Fusion Panel 2: Y
Transformation/Fusion Panel 3: B
Transformation/Fusion Panel 4: A
Transformation/Fusion Switch:
Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Left: LB
Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Right: RB
Switch and Emote Panels:
Show/Hide Switch Panel: D-pad Left
Switch Panel 1: X
Switch Panel 2: Y
Switch Panel 3: B
Switch Panel 4: A
Show/Hide Emote Panel: D-pad Down
Emote Panel Option 1: X
Emote Panel Option 2: Y
Emote Panel Option 3: B
Emote Panel Option 4: A
Other Functions:
Trigger Event: LS
Confirm: A
Back: B
Switch: Previous: LB
Switch: Next: RB
Assist/Details: Y
Confirm Support/Preview: X
Switch Support: Previous: LT
Switch Support: Next: RT
Favorites: View Button
Switch Camera: RS
Hide Guide: LS
PlayStation 5 Controls
Movement and Basic Actions:
Ascend/Jump: L1
Descend: L2
Ki Charge: R2
Guard: R1
Revenge Counter: RS
Melee: Square
Ki Blast/Rush Chain: Triangle
Super Perception: Circle
Short Dash/Step: X
Skills and Transformation/Fusion:
Skill 1: D-pad Up/Down
Skill 2: D-pad Left/Right
Show/Hide Transformation/Fusion Panel: D-pad Up
Transformation/Fusion Panel 1: Square
Transformation/Fusion Panel 2: Triangle
Transformation/Fusion Panel 3: Circle
Transformation/Fusion Panel 4: X
Transformation/Fusion Switch:
Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Left: L1
Move Transformation/Fusion Switch Right: R1
Switch and Emote Panels:
Show/Hide Switch Panel: D-pad Left
Switch Panel 1: Square
Switch Panel 2: Triangle
Switch Panel 3: Circle
Switch Panel 4: X
Show/Hide Emote Panel: D-pad Down
Emote Panel Option 1: Square
Emote Panel Option 2: Triangle
Emote Panel Option 3: Circle
Emote Panel Option 4: X
Other Functions:
Trigger Event: LS
Confirm: X
Back: Circle
Switch: Previous: L1
Switch: Next: R1
Assist/Details: Triangle
Confirm Support/Preview: Square
Switch Support: Previous: L2
Switch Support: Next: R2
Switch Camera: RS
Hide Guide: LS