Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator - Craig and Robert Walkthrough - Magic Game World

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator – Craig and Robert Walkthrough

Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator - Craig and Robert Walkthrough


1st Date

It doesn’t matter what you choose with your daughter (for Craig at least). It’s when you get on field at late hour is when it starts.


-The order you ask him about stuff doesn’t really matter, but you have to ask everything. If you are curious, I asked in order: kids, softball, business.


-The right person will come alone eventually.


-I mean…


Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator - Craig and Robert Walkthrough



2nd date

You can choose whatever many ughs you want (: The detective time is where it counts.


-This is the order I made it.


-Go to playground


-Look for clues


-Interrogate Joseph


-That sounds a little suspect, Joseph


-No (yes)


-Try to calm River down


-Move to another part of the park


-Go to the field


-Mat and Carmensita


-Check out those squirrels.


-The tree


-Look for clues


-Interrogate River


-Good cop


-Move to another part of the park


-Go to the woods


-Look for clues


-Interrogate Robert


-Be bad cop


-Go deeper into the woods




-Grimy brunch


-Gotta threat yourself



3rd date

-Such a gentleman


-There won’t be


-Look at Craig’s butt


-Let’s put on a show


-Dunk him


-I dunno if matters much how many time you do it, but I just did until -he said he is done.


-I’ll race you to the top


-Go overboard with compliments


-Hell yeah, bro


Doing this got me sexy times on 3rd date and kisses in epilogue. Looks pretty “good end” to me.






There are sometimes two options that give the most affection, I underlined the ones I chose.


Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator - Craig and Robert Walkthrough



1st date

I don’t know if 1st choices even matter since they don’t give you any affection.


-Okay I gone here with “I’m just chilling”, but “Just working on my motorcycle” gets you few more replies


-Whiskey, straight up


-Whiskey hasn’t failed me yet


-You with the feds?


-Could you get the next round?


-You know it!


I’m sorry | This one’s for you, Pappy


-Of course


-You betcha


-Thanks for defending my honor



2nd date

-Hoist that Rag, baby


-Say nothing


-Play along


-You’re lying


I’m glad you told me | Maybe we deserve to eaten by Dover Ghost



3rd date

-To you


-He’d never convince the jury


-80’s reference


-Go with something I know


-Travelling grifter


-Working a couple short cons


-Daniel McSturgiss


-Ecclesiastes 12:7


-Paranormal Excursions of the Supernatural: Ice Road Ghost Truckers


-You trying to poison me?




-Push it


-Tell him what he needs to hear


We get emotional talks at 3rd date, kisses and hopes at epilogue. P’sure that’s why they made sexy times at 1st day.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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