Dream Engines: Nomad Cities: Tips and Tricks: a Beginner’s Guide
Articles, Misc. Guides /
16 Jul 2021
Tips and Tricks: a Beginner’s Guide
Dream Engines: Nomad Cities guide is filled with essential tips and tricks to help you master the game.
- When you research building add-ons, interact with a building to build those and unlock new production recipes or other bonuses.
- Choose carefully which buildings to place inside the city and take with you. Upgrade these buildings to make them more efficient.
- When sending items out of storage, you can set a minimum amount in the item selection pop-op. Items will only be sent if the storage has more than this minimum amount of that item.
- Click on the city name in the HUD to open the city information window. This window also provides information about the current landing zone.
- Click the Tools button and then choose the move tool or press M in management mode to reorganize your buildings. Some buildings like walls and rails cannot be moved.
- Demolishing most buildings will return half their construction costs, but not flux.
- Use the copy building key default V in management mode to quickly create another building instance under your cursor.
- You can activate the target marker from the settings window to help you aim your ranged attacks.
- If you find yourself waiting too long for planks, build more word warpers or any other refinery.
- Most buildings can be upgraded. Upgrading is more expensive than building another building but does not use any extra space or weight.
- If you want to remove a transport cart from some rails, use the pick-cart tools (P) in management mode to return the items to your inventory.
- You can quickly enable or disable several buildings without interacting with them using the management mode on/off tool (O).
- Build workshops to produce materials for upgrading your infrastructure. Upgrading infrastructure can provide powerful, permanent bonuses.
- Do not be afraid of building more than one research center or workshop so you can progress faster. Just make sure your economy can support it.
- Hit debris worldwide to collect old-world scraps that can be used in ruins buildings to craft unique items.
- Learn hotkeys of the game.
Dream Engines: Nomad Cities PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings